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My strangest eBay buyer yet?

I listed a number of inserts this past week from Bowman I opened, nothing really high all under $10.

One buyer won a single insert for $0.35 plus my usual $2.00 flat shipping fee for a total of $2.35

He sent me an email asking if I had any other NY Mets insert since that is what he collects.

I told him I would look and send some along with his card that he won.

He also said he doesn't use Paypal and if it was ok if he mailed me payment.

I state in auction that if you can't or don't want to use Paypal contact me first. No biggie for $2.35

I replied sure no problem.

I received his payment today.

Inside the envelope was a self addreessed envelope, a small card saver I, a $1 bill, and a copy of the
eBay transaction page. Written on the transaction page was a note stating here is payment of $1.00 I think this is fair.
Stapled to the transaction page was another note stating please package well and wrap in this letter to keep card from moving in envelope.

First I was a little irritated then after thinking about it I started to laugh.

He spends $0.44 to mail payment to me.
He sends self address stamped envelope with $0.44 postage on it.
Sends me a card saver cost maybe $0.02
Writes 2 notes, prints out transaction page uses 2 envelopes.
His total cost $0.90 plus the dollar he sent me for a total of $1.90 (savings of $0.45)

I probably would have lost money on this transaction since I send all items out in a bubble mailer in a top loader.
$1.71 postage 0.12 bubble mailer 0.05 top loader, Paypal fee 0.35 eBay fee 0.21 total of 2.54 lose 0.19

Now my cost is eBay 0.21 no Paypal fee, no shipping fee, no bubblemailer and no top loader. 0.21 from the $1 he gave me
Profit of 0.79 instead of losing 0.19 net gain of 0.98

I win and he wins, I think ? image

Ebay, you gotta love it.

I am waiting for my neg to come when his letter arrives with postage due because of the extra cards I sent him.



  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    It's hard to collect cards when you live in a cardboard box
    using a playdoh computer.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    you are almost guaranteed a neg on this.. haha

    wow.. that was a good one
  • BrickBrick Posts: 4,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ebay buyers are obviously idiots.
    Collecting 1960 Topps Baseball in PSA 8


  • jivanjivan Posts: 1,009
    In a week, ask him where payment is
    always looking for 1969 graded basketball
  • TreetopTreetop Posts: 1,474

    << <i>In a week, ask him where payment is >>

    Better yet, tell him you sent the cards out and ask him where payment is...
    Link to my current Ebay auctions

    "If I ever decided to do a book, I've already got the title-The Bases Were Loaded and So Was I"-Jim Fregosi
  • file this under "That's America Today"
    In the USA all men are created equal but some are more equal than others....
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>In a week, ask him where payment is >>

    Better yet, tell him you sent the cards out and ask him where payment is... >>

    I wish I had the patience and time to play, some things you gotta just let go and move along.

    I had $89 in final value fee discount last month and don't want to lose it over a $2.35


    edit fo r spelling
  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    I actually find this story kind of refreshing. The buyer handled it like the old days before we got all immune to the cost of dealing with eBay.

    "Molon Labe"

  • GarabaldiGarabaldi Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭
    Some people just live in a different world with their own rules.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    It's amazing to me. You set the auction rules and he decides to change them on his own and make his rules. Then if you dont follow his rules (not just that but the amount he pays you!), you get negged. Thanks for that wonderful feedback system, ebay! Buyers have sellers by the balls.
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    << <i>It's amazing to me. You set the auction rules and he decides to change them on his own and make his rules. Then if you dont follow his rules (not just that but the amount he pays you!), you get negged. Thanks for that wonderful feedback system, ebay! Buyers have sellers by the balls. >>

    That is one of the reasons I at first became irritated.
    I haven't been negged yet and hopefully won't but it was just really wierd that someone would go through a number of hoops to avoid Paypal and as you said set your own rules and only save $0.45.

  • I had the same buyer purchase one of my items the same way. Thought it was strange, but in the end I probably saved a little in shipping and packaging.

    Not an alt, just a lurker

    Looking for Bob Uecker cards

    My Ebay Auctions
  • BrickBrick Posts: 4,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not only an idiot but also a control freak.
    Collecting 1960 Topps Baseball in PSA 8


  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    At least this is an actual win/win situation like you mentioned. Anything to not have money go through Paypal. Still pretty dumb of him to want the cards in a PWE unless he really doesn't care in the long run that some of these cards are gonna get damaged on his dime.
  • SDavidSDavid Posts: 1,584 ✭✭
    This guy has been discussed here before, and I've run into him a couple of times as well. Either that, or there are two of them, lol.
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