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May 2011 Legendary Auctions 1952 Set

Legendary Auction Results

The Mickey Mantle in PSA 8 went out at nearly 87K.

The Eddie Mathews went for just under 42K.

The high card market is no where near dead and I think a PSA 9 or better yet one of the three PSA 10 Mickey Mantle 1952 Topps would go for a mind blowing amount. I just checked the SMR and they have the 52 Topps PSA 9 Mantle at $295k, that will prove to be a conservative number the next time one sells and I would suspect the PSA 10 goes into the 7 figures.

The only reason I mention is I was checking completed 1952 Topps listings on EBAY and I remembered an auction catolog came with a recent SMR and went to check the prices and saw some big numbers.

Big time collectors still have cash and realize ultra high end collectables go up over time.


  • I would just like a nicely centered Mantle in a 4, possibly 5. Someday soon...
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • bobbyw8469bobbyw8469 Posts: 7,139 ✭✭✭
    You should have seen the PSA 1 that was just auctioned off.......unreal!

  • that will prove to be a conservative number the next time one sells and I would suspect the PSA 10 goes into the 7 figures.
    ==> CORRECT !! I know of someone who offered 1 million for one of the psa 10 mantles and was turned down...its for sure 1.2 million+ card....
    Rick Probstein
    Ebay Store:
    phone: 973 747 6304
    email: rickprobstein1@gmail.com

    Probstein123 is actively accepting CONSIGNMENTS !!
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