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PSA/DNA offers superb customer service!

My order of six Miguel Cabrera autographs yielded the result of four pass and two fail. Since all six autographs were from companies that held national contracts with Cabrera, I had assumed (correctly) that the two failing items were the ones signed during his rookie season. Upon coming to this conclusion, I emailed Joe about my situation. He told me that once I got my items back to send the two fails (if they did turn out to be the rookie year ones) back to PSA/DNA c/o: Joe Orlando. He said that all I had to pay was for the shipping.

Anyway, so a couple days later, the items arrive, and lo and behold, I was right on which two failed. I did as instructed but forgot to include a submission form. (The logic in my head was that since Joe told me to include the original submission form, that it would be recorded to that submission.) Anyway, a week after the items arrived, they showed up in the database. (I take responsibility for this, as they're usually only three or four days. I assume this was related to my not including a submission form.)

Today, I got the items back and am pleased to say that both passed! Also, apparently, PSA/DNA paid the return shipping. (This part I'm still not positive on, but they haven't billed my account yet, and I already have the items in my possession. Also, they returned my original signed letter stating the charges.) Now, here's the strange part...

The submission ticket that was used had a significantly higher number (5100xxx) than the submission ticket I sent in last month (212xxx). Also, the second batch had certificate numbers starting with P, whereas my original submission had certificate numbers starting with M.

Anyone have an idea on how they determine which batch of certificates to use?

I'm very pleased with the customer service offered by PSA/DNA. I have heard horror stories on other forum boards about customer service issues, but, so far on my two orders (three submissions including the review), I've received outstanding customer service. Lauren has been very helpful in answering my seemingly redundant queries about submission numbers (since I forgot to make a copy of my submission ticket twice, and didn't have a submission form the third time), and Joe has gone above and beyond what I'd expect from the CEO of the largest authenticating company in our hobby.

For anyone who has stated that PSA/DNA favours larger submitters, I can honestly say that's not my experience. I contributed what might amount to a negative to their bottom line, and everything was done (even beyond what I would personally find reasonable) to make my experience an excellent one.

I will definitely use their services in the future. I may even consider joining the PSA Collector's Club, since Hawaii doesn't have any authorized submission dealers.


  • great to hear...good for you...
    Rick Probstein
    Ebay Store:
    phone: 973 747 6304
    email: rickprobstein1@gmail.com

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