How are you handling the increase in Shipping costs?

I am just curious how the sellers are handling the increase due to ebay taking 9% of shipping.
I have considered emailing the winners of the auctions after shipping the item to let them know there item has shipped and please remember that ebay is taking 9% and paypal is getting 2.9% of what they paid me for shipping and this is why shipping is now 13%-15% higher than what the postage says.
I am just tired of losing money on shipping even if it is only 5 to 10% it all adds up or should I say it all goes away.
example Medium flat rate box post office charges 10.95 + .70 cents for DC = 11.65 so if I charge my customers this I lose $ 1.39 not counting packing materials ect ect. so I am charging 13.25 which nets me 11.67 which covers what the post office charges of course the buyers aren't happy seeing the 11.65 sticker on the box thinking I am ripping them for 1.60, when in reality I am losing money considering packing materials, tape, gas ect ect.
oh well would like to hear your solutions to this problem. Thanks in advance.
I have considered emailing the winners of the auctions after shipping the item to let them know there item has shipped and please remember that ebay is taking 9% and paypal is getting 2.9% of what they paid me for shipping and this is why shipping is now 13%-15% higher than what the postage says.
I am just tired of losing money on shipping even if it is only 5 to 10% it all adds up or should I say it all goes away.
example Medium flat rate box post office charges 10.95 + .70 cents for DC = 11.65 so if I charge my customers this I lose $ 1.39 not counting packing materials ect ect. so I am charging 13.25 which nets me 11.67 which covers what the post office charges of course the buyers aren't happy seeing the 11.65 sticker on the box thinking I am ripping them for 1.60, when in reality I am losing money considering packing materials, tape, gas ect ect.
oh well would like to hear your solutions to this problem. Thanks in advance.
if you printed thru paypal d/c is free with priority mail. printing thru paypal you can also not print the cost of the postage so that would not show on the label. paypal has always taken their fee from shipping, it's ebay fee that is new
using buy it now listings with free shipping and factor the additional costs of ebay fees into your buy it now price
As noted, all costs can be rolled into BINs and you can
offer "free" shipping.
<< <i>if it keeps on rainin' the Levi's gonna break. >>
Some of these people don't know which road to take.
working on 1956 Topps in PSA 6-7
Too many set buyers filter out BINs, and the set sits in inventory forever. Meanwhile, similar sets (in the same grade) sell at auction for more than my BIN
I tried BINs for 6 months and that was my experience
Now I'll just put the set on auction and will charge $13 instead of $11
If a buyer balks at paying an extra $2 then so be it
<< <i>As noted, all costs can be rolled into BINs and you can
offer "free" shipping. >>
But I have noticed that things don't sell as well that way. For example, I can get bids/buyers for a $15 box of cards with a $9 shipping charge. Offer that same box at $24 with free shipping and nobody bites. Even though it is the same total cost, the $24 price must psychologically scare buyers away.
<< <i>I seriously question the legality of eBay taking a fee on shipping and handling. What exactly are they taking a fee for? No service or merchandise has exchanged hands, so what exactly are they charging a fee for? It seems completely illegal to me to take money in exchange for nothing. They are in essence taking money out of our pockets and not giving us anything. >>
How is that legal?
eBay's site so eBay's rules. How is a business in a free market charging a fee to sellers who agree to it illegal?
Don't get me wrong eBay is screwing us all, I just adjusted my shipping costs up to cover the extra fee. Hasn't slowed things down at all and I still get great 5 star feedback for my shipping. Just make sure to send the item out within 48 hours of payment to please the idiots on eBay.
Ebay jas its share of faults, but no other site offers the potential for selling collectibles at near-market or even above-market prices in some cases, like ebay does. And you don't have to pay rent or utilities or any other expenses you would if you had a physical store.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
This was ebay's method to deter the .99 auctions with $100 shipping fee. But in doing so they are robbing the 95%+ of the sellers who don't use that tactic.
Not an apologist, just stating reality. If you don't like ebay, you don't have to use their services. It's your choice, pal.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>We started shipping the packages out "postage due", we have found that it really cuts down on shipping costs. >>
Must seriously hurt your feedback though.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
<< <i>Funny how many eBay apologists come out of the woodwork every time they are discussed in a negative light.
Not an apologist, just stating reality. If you don't like ebay, you don't have to use their services. It's your choice, pal. >>
No, really? No one HAS to use eBay? Are you sure???
Just because someone uses something doesn't mean they have to accept everything about it as if it was infallible. Like I'm sure you have never complained about anything in your life, huh pal o' mine.
<< <i>The problem with offering free shipping and rolling the shipping cost into the item cost is that buyers will see the higher price and balk at buying multiple items from you if there are cheaper alternatives.
We lowered our rates on shipping. You should go beyond what many sellers do for packaging the items you send. It's a little extra work, but it adds more value to your service. It also encourages buyers to buy in bulk which makes things easier and helps balance out the extra effort you put forth.
If you sell very high value items, though, then free shipping is definitely the way to go, and packaging should be of the highest quality of course. >>
My BINS are still the cheapest even with the built in shipping cost. Plus...I see people buying more at once because there is no need for me to send an invoice or combine shipping when all shipping is free. There total is there total.
to compensate, i now eat only fried beans. to refry them would waste energy when they're already fried anyways.
This circumstance seems elementary, but it is far from academic
in the challenge to survive/win the shipping game on EBAY.
I have repeatedly found that selling cheap stuff on EBAY is an
invite to aggravation, loss and NEGs. The "loss" element is
especially present in the shipping game.
Selling two $9.95 items is twice as much work as selling ONE
item for $19.95. And, shipping costs double, if the two items
are like kind.
$9.95 + $3.00 = $12.95
$19.95 + $3.00 = $22.95
In that example, pairing items and/or assembling "lots" has the
effect of cutting shipping costs in half. That is half as much money
that has to be either rolled-into a BIN, added to an auction, or eaten.
That math ONLY addresses the dollar costs. The additional benefit
is that you have one less EBAY-maroooon to deal with, one less packing
job to do, and one less chance of getting an unwarranted NEG.
Pairing like-kind items OR selling two of the same item is one way to
handle rising shipping costs. Seven-day STRs will generally be negatively
impacted to some degree by pairing items, 30-day STRs will generally see
no negative impact.
Lot building is, obviously, more difficult in collectible categories than it is
in most other categories, but it is doable.
AMZN has built an expectant class of buyers; free-shipping on EBAY is
reactionary to the creation of that class, but it is not going to reverse
course. You simply need to look for ways to make it free for sellers to
deliver it.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
The best thing for the hobby in general would be to ditch ebay completely. We must find a site that is much better for selling and buying. When this is finally accomplished the hard part will be getting the hobby consensus to follow. Ebay has been drilled into eveyone's head as the only place available for us to use that will give us success.
Far as the new shipping fee. It should be illegal. I wonder if a huge class action law suite would have any effect? You know ebay is making multiple millions on this new fee. I wonder how buyers feel having to pay this new fee? I know as a seller I am not paying for it so it really doesn't bother me...
Edit add: Added bold for those of you that can't read...
Or....sit on your fat ass and monitor 300 auctions from your laptop at work and spend the weekend jetskiing.
<< <i>Funny how many eBay apologists come out of the woodwork every time they are discussed in a negative light. >>
The eBay critics outnumber the apologists at least 10:1 on here. It's amazing how often eBay b$tch threads get posted.
why do people attract such wacko buyers? in over 10k transactions I've had a small handful of unpleasant experiences. my local target will have a fraction of the customers today and deal with more wacko buyers then I've had on ebay in almost 10 years
<< <i>
<< <i>Funny how many eBay apologists come out of the woodwork every time they are discussed in a negative light.
Not an apologist, just stating reality. If you don't like ebay, you don't have to use their services. It's your choice, pal. >>
No, really? No one HAS to use eBay? Are you sure???
Just because someone uses something doesn't mean they have to accept everything about it as if it was infallible. Like I'm sure you have never complained about anything in your life, huh pal o' mine. >>
the link to his ebay account in the signature has a grand total of 9 feedback...
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>We can always sell our cards to the local baseball card shop owner...
Ebay jas its share of faults, but no other site offers the potential for selling collectibles at near-market or even above-market prices in some cases, like ebay does. And you don't have to pay rent or utilities or any other expenses you would if you had a physical store. >>
Thank you! For all of you that hate ebay, then please find another way to make your contacts with future buyers and sellers. Or better yet, start your own "ebay" and set your own rules. If it works, then you may be bigger than ebay someday. Please remember, you are not required to buy and sell on ebay. It is your choice if you deal with ebay or not. Obviously, there are more positives about ebay than negatives or else you would leave ebay.
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
I guess I will invest in a better printer & start printing my own shipping labels via paypal, this way I can reduce and also hide the cost of shipping.My one fear about printing my own labels was that the DC might not get scanned when delivered as they don't stand out like the big green sticker does, but have been told by many that this isn't a real problem (more like an urban legend).
In the meantime I have also included the disclaimer in my emails to my new & old customers:"Please remember that ebay is now taking 9% of the shipping fee and in turn this has forced me to raise my shipping cost to you to still be able to continue shipping your items safely and well protected".
"I am hoping that ebay will reconsider their policy on shipping & handling costs as I have emailed them my displeasure with their new policy, buy fear my complaint has fallen on deaf ears. I apologize for the increase but the increase is out of my control.Thanks xxxx. "
Until ebay came out the 5 star rating program I had always considered S/H & and still do to a degree a mute point because shipping cost is always stated in all my auctions and strive to not overcharge or undercharge any of my customers, but when ebay introduced the 5 star & TRS program then I had to start worrying more that if I accidentally overcharged a customer, I could lose my 20% FVF discount.I know free shipping is now an automatic 5 star rating,but some items just can't be sold in auction format with free S/H
I am also old school and just refuse to ship anything in a PWE even a lousy 5 cent common but that's me.
I did get a kick out of shipping the items with postage due, but will refrain from doing this.
we can now continue with the regular scheduled fighting & bickering.
<< <i>There's nothing remotely illegal about Ebay collecting a fee on the shipping charge. It's no different than a merchant who accepts payment by credit card having to pay a fee on the total charge submitted. If the total submitted includes any charges for S&H, tip, tax, etc. then the merchant pays a fee on that amount. >>
Merchants who sell direct to their customers and have their own credit card processors and physically handle, pack, and ship the merchandise are entitled to charge whatever they want for "shipping and handling." The actual postage comprises a portion of that fee, but they're legally entitled to charge whatever they want for handling, so as long as all applicable taxes are paid, the government does not regulate these types of charges.
Ebay is not selling direct to their buyers. They are tacking a percentage fee onto actual postage charged for services provided by the US Postal Service to a third party (the real seller of the merchandise). I wonder what would happen if a cashier at the post office decided to start pocketing a 9% fee on all the postage she sold at her register.
That's why a lawsuit was filed, and I'd think the arguments presented would be similar to what I've just described. The status of the Postal Service as a quasi-government organization may also play a role in determining the (il)legality of the extra ebay fee.
I don't think this was ever really about closing the fee avoidance loophole on $0.99 items with $100 shipping. Ebay just decided they were going to raise rates again, but instead of doing it the usual way, they decided to be sneaky about it. I'm sure they have bean counters who have calculated the cost involved of losing a potential lawsuit and even having to issue some kind of rebate to sellers who have been paying the extra fee since it began. If there was any chance this could cost ebay money in the long run, they wouldn't have done it. They're greedy greedy greedy ba$tard$!
I don't think this was ever really about closing the fee avoidance loophole on $0.99 items with $100 shipping. Ebay just decided they were going to raise rates again, but instead of doing it the usual way, they decided to be sneaky about it. I'm sure they have bean counters who have calculated the cost involved of losing a potential lawsuit and even having to issue some kind of rebate to sellers who have been paying the extra fee since it began. If there was any chance this could cost ebay money in the long run, they wouldn't have done it. They're greedy greedy greedy ba$tard$! >>
BTW how is the quest coming along?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Funny how many eBay apologists come out of the woodwork every time they are discussed in a negative light.
Not an apologist, just stating reality. If you don't like ebay, you don't have to use their services. It's your choice, pal. >>
No, really? No one HAS to use eBay? Are you sure???
Just because someone uses something doesn't mean they have to accept everything about it as if it was infallible. Like I'm sure you have never complained about anything in your life, huh pal o' mine. >>
the link to his ebay account in the signature has a grand total of 9 feedback... >>
You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing.
<< <i>I'm surprised you didn't mention that the 9 feedback account was not your primary one.
BTW how is the quest coming along? >>
I posted it on three boards and no one seemed interested so I stopped. Why waste my time trying to entertain people who don't care.
<< <i>Funny how many eBay apologists come out of the woodwork every time they are discussed in a negative light.
Not an apologist, just stating reality. If you don't like ebay, you don't have to use their services. It's your choice, pal.
No, really? No one HAS to use eBay? Are you sure??? Just because someone uses something doesn't mean they have to accept everything about it as if it was infallible. Like I'm sure you have never complained about anything in your life, huh pal o' mine.
the link to his ebay account in the signature has a grand total of 9 feedback... >>
You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing. >>
Question: Could you be kind enough to post here your "decade long" ebay account?
I think you will "quiet any naysayers" if you have a decent 'decade long' ebay affiliation?
I for one would and do use 10 years as a "great yardstick",
and as one really decent indicator about the participants in these threads, from many levels.
Ebay does have many things that rub me (and I'm sure many others here!) the wrong way,
but on the other hand,
Ebay is still a "top outlet for many "things in our lives", including "collectibles".
And 10 years of feedback to me is a good "measure of one's self".
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
<< <i>Whoa, you stopped your quest for a T206 Wagner because other people were not interested?
Ok.............. >>
Yeah. It was meant to be message board entertainment and no one seemed to be interested. What's the big deal.
<< <i>You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing. >>
Hello sportscardtheory,
Can you post your ebay selling account. That decade long selling account?
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
<< <i>
<< <i>You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing. >>
Hello sportscardtheory,
Can you post your ebay selling account. That decade long selling account?
rd >>
Do you want my house address, social security number and a copy of my marriage license as well? I'll get that all to you ASAP.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing. >>
Hello sportscardtheory,
Can you post your ebay selling account. That decade long selling account?
rd >>
Do you want my house address, social security number and a copy of my marriage license as well? I'll get that all to you ASAP. >>
Come on, you are the one that mentioned selling on ebay for nearly a decade on this public forum. You made mention of that, so what's the problem? Apparently, it sounds like your "decade-long" ebay selling experience is not something you want to share with us, right
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>You mean the separate account I created for a specific purpose? That account? I have been selling on eBay for nearly a decade. Thanks for playing. >>
Hello sportscardtheory,
Can you post your ebay selling account. That decade long selling account?
rd >>
Do you want my house address, social security number and a copy of my marriage license as well? I'll get that all to you ASAP. >>
Come on, you are the one that mentioned selling on ebay for nearly a decade on this public forum. You made mention of that, so what's the problem? Apparently, it sounds like your "decade-long" ebay selling experience is not something you want to share with us, right
rd >>
Exactly. Thanks for understanding.