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Promotig Your Online Collectible Sales

The best time to get the word out is when biznez is bad.

While most EBAY traffic is organic, a HUGE amount is now coming
from the search engines. If you put in the time required, you can
prolly get more than your fair share of that non-organic traffic.

Two examples of boosters that work are:

1. Squidoo.com

2. Weebly.com

The content of both is broadly indexed by all the search engines.

To make either work properly, your pages need to be "content rich."
AND, that content needs to be ORIGINAL; plagiarized stuff will NOT

On squidoo, you create "lenses" about subjects that you know about
AND are linked to your sales venues.

On weebly you create a little "website" that informs folks about the
subjects you know about AND links to your sales venues.

You can link both as "faves" on your EBAY "ME Page." AND, you can
link both to your store or your non-store listings.

Non-store links are made by copying the URL for "all items listed;" or,
by placing your RSS-feed buttons on the weebly and squidoo pages.

The pages should NOT be straight "pitches." You gotta have content
that is useful to readers; once they like your "tips," they WILL follow
the links to your sales venues.

There are dozens of other like/similar sites that can be used to the
same effect; squidoo and weebly are easy places to get started.


Such techniques are ESPECIALLY important for sales venues that
offer less organic traffic than EBAY does.

If you put in the time and effort, you WILL notice a difference in
your traffic/sales over time. The effects are cumulative and take
time to reach critical mass, but patient and constant efforts WILL
get results.

Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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