SMR quoting at local card shows?

Just an observation....the two times I have gone to local card shows, I ask how much cards are. Dealers pull out SMR and are asking the SMR price for a certain card in a certain grade (I am just as guilty of this, because I walk around carrying an SMR). HOW STUPID IS THAT!?!?!?! I would LOVEEEEEE to get SMR for all of my cards!!! I also notice, that I never see cards that sell for more than SMR at these shows (think 1965 Joe Namath rookie card - I would really like to pick one of those up for SMR). Those sellers must secretly laugh at all the people walking around with SMR magazines, and their eyes light up as big as saucers. Just an observation. Am I off base on this?
they can say 'it's 20.00 in SMR' Just like sellers say 'it's 20.00 in SMR for a card that you can't get past a .99
opening bid.
No you are not off base.
You should know prices, know what you want to spend etc. Smarter dealers say 50% off high BV -- which is still too high.