Misc oddball stuff - comments & values welcome

An old guy neighbor of mine lent me a binder full of oddball baseball cards and other stuff. It took me a while but I scanned most of what is in there and I'll be posting it up here in this thread bit by bit.
I know what 99% of this stuff is but what I don't know is whether anybody collects this particular stuff anymore. So here goes:
*****Most of these I scanned in varying types of holders. I apologize for various stickers and crooked scans*********
#BB Joltin Joe auto on a 1982 BCN card?

#CC Happy Smith with Polar back - real or reprint?

#DD Rucker Brooklyn - real or reprint?

#EE Trifold - real?

I know what 99% of this stuff is but what I don't know is whether anybody collects this particular stuff anymore. So here goes:
*****Most of these I scanned in varying types of holders. I apologize for various stickers and crooked scans*********
#BB Joltin Joe auto on a 1982 BCN card?

#CC Happy Smith with Polar back - real or reprint?

#DD Rucker Brooklyn - real or reprint?

#EE Trifold - real?

I really know very little about T cards, but it seems unlikely a reprint would have the registry/centering that far off. I vote real.
2 - T206, Polar Bear backs (common) and a T202 Double Folder.
#II Tony Gwynn Auto
Mad Al 2 different errors with a normal card for contrast:
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
And finally, what kind of card is this?