Autograph etiquette question

I'm serve on a board with a guy who's the uncle of a major league baseball player. He's taking a trip to go visit him in a few months.
Would it be tacky for me to ask him to get me an autograph?
Would it be tacky for me to ask him to get me an autograph?
Your other option might be to say to your associate that you'd like to donate a few dollars to the players charity in exchange for a couple of signatures and were wondering if he would be able to arrange that.
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Hopefully I can figure out the right approach to take on this one as well!
<< <i>I've got the same question at work right now myself - there are a couple of very senior people in my organization whose autographs I would like, but they're not people I deal with on a daily basis, and don't want to slide a paper and a Sharpie across the table during a large meeting.
Hopefully I can figure out the right approach to take on this one as well! >>
Again, I would tread carefully when working with people that you would like autographs from. I work in the entertainment industry and it's pretty much a HUGE no-no to ask celebrities that you work with for signatures. Pictures are sometimes ok depending on the situation (usually the last day of a project if they're in a good mood).
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<< <i>My mom just retired form the NBA league office. If an employee asked a ballplayer for an autograph when the player was visiting the employee became an ex-employee.
Dave >>
wow so much for a fan friendly league... I can understand the policy but it sounds harsh!
<< <i>
<< <i>My mom just retired form the NBA league office. If an employee asked a ballplayer for an autograph when the player was visiting the employee became an ex-employee.
Dave >>
wow so much for a fan friendly league... I can understand the policy but it sounds harsh! >>
The problem was many people weren't fans of basketball just fans of money. Too many people selling stuff.
<< <i>I don't think so as long as you don't ask for several autographs or try to sell it after you get it. Just tell him you are a fan and would love to have his auto. Who is the player?? >>
+1 . . . but, absolutely no equipment! That has eBay resale written all over it. Limit your request to one card or one 8x10. I'd also include a handwritten letter of request and thanks!