Fastest you have busted out a card from a PSA holder
I had 4 cards to bust out tonight for my Cardinals team set collection to go in my album.
I timed myself from beginning until card was safely out and laid on the counter top. My fastest time - 7 seconds. See if you can beat that!
I timed myself from beginning until card was safely out and laid on the counter top. My fastest time - 7 seconds. See if you can beat that!

Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
I use the hammer/flat head screwdriver technique.
Anyone ever do a step-by-step picture thread?
i've used a pretty simple technique and it seems to work fine.....i gently run an Exacto blade over the seam at the top of the holder until there's enough of a ridge in which to insert a larger blade, then i roll the blade back and forth in the seam until it pops open, and THEN i use the flat head screwdriver.
my worst mistake early on was being impatient and trying to ram the screwdriver into the top seam without first breaking the seal, hence the need for a Band-Aid and a kiss from my wife for my owwie.