I just listed my first card on ebay in the past 6 months and it sold within 3 minutes... How often d

I'm guessing I priced it too low...
I found this in a junk box with a $48 price tag on it, I put it on the bay for 99 cent bid, $30 bin and it sold within 5 minutes at almost 11 pm (Guy is in New York)... So 2:47 am his time...
Random Shaq I found in a box
I'm guessing I priced it too low...
I found this in a junk box with a $48 price tag on it, I put it on the bay for 99 cent bid, $30 bin and it sold within 5 minutes at almost 11 pm (Guy is in New York)... So 2:47 am his time...
Random Shaq I found in a box
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Yogi Berra
Shaq Ebay Auction
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
<< <i>I used to second guess myself if a card sells quickly with a BIN thinking that maybe I listed it too low. I now look at it that if it was listed at a higher price it probably would not of sold. Think of it as $30.00 more you have than you did before. >>
Definitely... It is a card I would probably have put in my dollar box or 80% off at a show, so I was pretty stoked when it sold (Guy has like 5300 feedback as a buyer as well).
Like I said I was super surprised because I was just d!cking around at 11 pm and this was almost 3 am this guys time in NY when the card pretty much sold in 2 minutes 42 seconds, got an email saying it was sold.
My small collection
Want List:
'61 Topps Roy Campanella in PSA 5-7
Cardinal T206 cards
Adam Wainwright GU Jersey