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StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,577 ✭✭✭
From the December 9, 1916 issue of The British medical Journal ...

A RECENT report of the United States Public Health
Service states that there are two establishments for
lepers in Venezuela. The larger, which is on the Isla de
Providencia, just outside the harbour of Maracaibo, has
accommodation for 700 patients. It is in charge of a staff
of doctors and nurses and is provided with apparatus for
the disinfection of clothes and bedding by steam. Lepers
are segregated in the several states of Venezuela as they
are found and removed later to the Isla de Providencia.
The number of lepers interned there at the beginning of
1914 was 400 and 233 were received during the year.
During the same period 10 patients were discharged
apparently cured. The other establishment at Cape
Blanco, about four miles from La Guara and Maiquetia
which formerly accommodated 400 patients was closed,
but is now used for the temporary reception of local lepers
till they can be transferred to the Isla de Providencia.


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