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Anyone ever see these Heros WTC Cards?

First I would like to say I know this is in the wrong forum. I would post this in the Non sport card forum. But that place is generally dead and I know over here my question would more then likely be answered.

On to the question.

Ever see these? Know what they look like? Would PSA grade them? Just curious. Was thinking about checking them out since they are so cheap.

I stumbled on these on ebay and don't really know to much about these or what they look like.

They are Heros World Trade Center September 11th 2001 Cards.


It appears to be that someone was trying to bank on Americans buying these by the truck load. Seeing these in the local 7-11 probably turned a lot of people off (understandably). If I had seen them in 2002 I would be pretty upset myself.


I found this checklist and it appears these were produced legitimately by Chestnut Publications - 2002


Anyway I was wondering if anyone had any more info on these?


  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    It seems more than a little odd to have a card set of "ordinary"
    murder victims.

    The police and firefighter victims seem more appropriate, if their
    relatives are in agreement.

    TOPPS Enduring Freedom set is prolly the definitive card collectible
    on the subject.

    Neither set has much monetary value, tho some of the OBL cards
    from the TOPPS series have sold during the past week.


    The Desert Storm and Desert Shield sets from TOPPS - 20-years
    ago - are still not of interest to most folks.

    Tho, the Saddam card sold fairly well after his hanging.


    "If somebody objects to this, they had better damn well call up those widows (who are participating) and tell them, too," Barham said. "If I'm a scumbag, so are they."

    The publisher of the Heroes set is obviously the author of the Best Seller
    titled, "How Not To Win Friends and Influence People."

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    Thanks Mike.

    I also thought this was a good line from the article as well

    "I think it's going to be a phenomenon," Barham said. "I can foresee a child going into a 7-11 and buying two packs of these, hoping to get a fireman.

    My hope is that when he reads the cards, he's going to go back and buy 20 packs."

    They can't sell a full case of these on ebay for 10 bucks+ship.

    I am not thinking about starting a graded set of them or anything. I just wanted to see what they looked like mainly. I know a lot of people from the whole event. Was wondering if anyone I knew was on the cards. Since I am so bad with names but not faces. In fact when they interview a widow or someone who lost someone on one of the news networks. I usually know the person from the 9/11 family meetings I use to attend when I lived in NJ. Yes, I am closely related to someone who perished in the WTC on 9/11.
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