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Where can I find base singles

I am trying to finish the base set Yankee team set run of Upper Deck and Donruss. I am a handful of cards short from each company and Sportlots does not have the rest that i need. What other sites lets you pick up cheap commons from different years? Any help would be great.
Collecting Yankees and vintage Star Wars


  • Beckett Marketplace might also work
  • jmoran19jmoran19 Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭


    Current obsession, all things Topps 1969 - 1972

  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    Since these cards obviously are not for grading purposes. You might want to consider asking New England Sports Cards if they have the cards you need. I sell sets from time to time and they have been very helpful for me with pesky cards I am missing here and there. Also you could contact Steve Hart @ BBCE and Johnathan Miller aka PSA- SET--GUY. I have been helped by them as well when it comes to filling holes in sets.
  • 72skywalker72skywalker Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭
    Thanks everyone. i will try these this weekend.
    Collecting Yankees and vintage Star Wars
  • I think Sportlots.com is your best bet. Find one seller that has all the cards to save on shipping. Some sellers give you volume discounts if you order more than 10 cards, etc. This is probably the cheapest route to go.
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    I forgot to mention teamset4u.com might be of some help as well. It never hurts to ask.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My quest for Cardinals team sets has taken me to the following -


    Beckett Marketplace


    Check Out My Cards


  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭
    Sportlots.com is the place for this type of stuff. I am sure there are others, but Ive had great success buying/selling on this site
  • Regarding Sportslots, it could be just bad luck on my part but I have received nothing but ex to ex mint cards. I find that while they have just about everything you would want, the quality is poor. Dave
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