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Latest from Jim Willie - Currency Dead End Paradoxes

ksammutksammut Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭
American Numismatic Association Governor 2023 to 2025 - My posts reflect my own thoughts and are not those of the ANA.My Numismatics with Kenny Twitter Page

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ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative

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Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.


  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He certainly makes his points and is a terrific creative writer.

    i.e.--on one hand he states that driving down the dollar another 20-30% will not help America get back on it's financial feet. On the other hand he states that driving up the yen will increase the cost of Japanese products. I have heard the number of 80-1 on the yen as far as what Japanese industry is prepared to deal with to remain competitive.

    He states that the cheaper dollar won't do any good because so much of what we can export is not exportable because of export limitations. Some is but he has no facts to support his statement. Odd that a guy who likes to write as much as he does just makes that statement and doesn't support it with facts. That would have gotten me an 'F' in college.

    I want the dollar devalued by 30% so that imports rise in price by that amount. That alone will induce Americans to buy more made in America goods. I'd like to see Walmart merchandise get a little adjustment. I'd like to see Lexus and Acura go up in price 30%. Americans better get used to higher cost imports and immediately ween themselves off them.

    Can you imagine what that will do to Toyota? in the U.S.

    The cost of a Cadillac will look cheap when the yen is 80-1.
    Have a nice day
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,106 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As usual, Willie is da man. He calls it like he sees it with no fear of being called a lunatic. His record of predicting outcomes is better than most.

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Survival for America would seem to require all foreign imports to sky rocket in price

    allowing for a more competitive industrialization of American made products. Corporate

    benefits must be tailored to companies that produce, assemble and employ American

    workers. We are moving into a world where it will be every Nation for itself. All service

    call centers must be moved back to US Soil and loopholes closed to prevent avoidance

    of corporate taxes. We will have to stop being the band leader of the world and stick to

    our own knitting. Only the most strategic foreign adventures will be entered into. Such will

    allow us to cut military spending by 30 -4o % over a period of time while investing low cost loans

    to re create our defunct American Industry.

    The world as we know it, will enter several decades of

    severely reduced economic activity and severe recession as the economic machine is allowed to

    renew itself on a more orderly basis.Big banks will be broken up into state banks,

    anti trust laws will be enforced and Glass Steagle, in all of its glory, will be reinstated. A special tax will

    be placed on stock transactions as well as a cap on executive compensation. We will all be living in a

    more austere and stripped down life style.

    Buy American will not be just a slogan, it will become a

    fundamental way of life. Remember, we have the surplus food that most Nations need. As for oil, well

    that is the bitter pill to be swallowed. Strict rationing as if it were a wartime situation will ensue. That is

    the price we will all have to pay for having allowed excess and rampant special interests to determine

    our National Policy for the past 50 years. Tax rates on the great wealth will be restored to its previous

    higher levels. Crash programs with huge investment will be made in rebuilding the nations physical structure,

    place people back to work and speed the development of cheap, available , renewable sources of energy to

    make this Nation self reliant.

    All of the above will likely require a form of martial law, with strict enforcement of

    rationing and public order . It will be a hard and difficult life style from what we have been used to, but it will allow

    us to survive, endure and eventually prevail. If people wish to eat they will work. If not in private business then

    in Government work projects. We must again become a Nation of builders that create things of substance and not

    a Nation led by economic interests, that do not create anything of true value, but bundle, shuffle and create false

    wealth, that evaporates as if it were the morning mist.
    There once was a place called
  • all i have to say bear on oil is north dakota other then that good
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    << We must again become a Nation of builders that create things of substance and not

    a Nation led by economic interests, that do not create anything of true value

    You know you just made a case for not 'investing' in PM's

    I know you know that.
    Have a nice day
  • oil north dakota bakken one of the biggest oil finds google it bear i would reply on pm but don't seem to work
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Yes I do know that for the long run, however, stacking, is an intermediate protective

    method, to preserve some semblance of real wealth in a world that stands on the very

    edge of madness. Stacking has been used for thousands of years in times of economic

    and political unrest. It will not of itself solve the greater problem, however it may solve the

    immediate problem of survival for us sheeple.image
    There once was a place called
  • one more thing the german's in ww2 ran their war machine on coal gas from coal we in the usa have a 200 hundred year supply
    so i'm think we'll be fine on the oil or gas thing it will just cost us
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    As for the gas problem, I eat one corned beef sandwich and I have enough gas

    to get me home.image
    There once was a place called
  • tums here work best
    have a great nite bud!!!!
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    There once was a place called
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bear, best wishes on your health.

    Several years ago a very wise octogenerian said something to me that made me think. 'If you haven't made money in the last 20 years, you'll never make any'
    Boy was he right.

    A person has to be very careful in the next five years. Don't get a divorce, don't lose your job, don't have health problems or a major auto accident. I hope most saw this reversal in the economy and were able to shed their debt. But if you have liquid assets and know how to trade, you can make a good chunk in the next 5-10 years. There will be a lot of entities that will shed assets just to pay bills.

    It's just the normal cycle of the economy. The sky is not falling, unless you're broke. Life will go on, it's just going to be a little more expensive than what people have been used to.
    Have a nice day
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