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PSA Set Registry User Friendliness

Let me first say I love the set registry. As I've used it more and more, I find a ton of great features that seem cumbersome to navigate through easily. For instance, I quick add a card, then I find my set, then there is a lot of grey text that repeats a lot of information that is no longer needed after using it. Half way down is green links, of various sizes, that say add best matches to your set. I click on it, but OT doesn't quite give a listing affirmation, but I have to navigate back to the set, then if I wish, commit the set changes. Now, to see my full set of cards in that set, I have to filter through the large set list that lists all cards. Anyway, there are more areas that I get spin into that take me to places that aren't intended. Another thing, since I subscribe to SMR, it should update my cards values for me. Overall great work, but simplifying the GUI seems like it would make it more attractive to browse.
Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com


  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
    I think it's succeeded mostly because of it's simplicity, Beckett had their Registry website with far superior features (including the ability to list cards from any grader) but people found it confusing (and there where real technical issues), personally I find the more in depth features the better it is but agree that some of the confirming changes gets a bit old...
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