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Ebay picture size question

Hey Guys,
Not sure if this is the correct forum, but maybe you can help. Ive sold cards on ebay for 13 years now and never had a problem with the size of my picture, but I do now. Even when you click on enlarge the pic stays the same size. Normally this ouldnt be a problem, but I plan on selling off some vintage high dollar cards and obviously a terrible unzoomed pic will kill the $$. Any idea how to help? I tried asking on ebay, but to no avail
Thanks Joe


  • StatmanStatman Posts: 597 ✭✭✭
    Are you getting a little yellow flag next to your picture when you make the listing? If so, I think they say that one side of you picture should be at least 1000 pixels. I always also post a picture at the botom of my listing to avoid this problem.
  • Blindmelon5Blindmelon5 Posts: 95 ✭✭✭
    No yellow flag. How do you post a picture at the bottom of the listing? I used to be able to do that.
  • StatmanStatman Posts: 597 ✭✭✭
    If you are using Photobucket for your pictures, I just choose the HTML code choice and copy that to the bottom of my writeup.
  • ga5150ga5150 Posts: 743 ✭✭✭
    You can just put one picture using the Ebay picture services, and then click on the html function where your auction information goes and put this at the bottom:

    To put photos in body of ebay text:

    For single or multiple photos where you want the photos stacked use this:

    <P align=center><center><img src= "photobucket http address here"></center><P align=center>

    Or to show like card scans next to each other...meaning no space between images.

    <P align=center><center><img src= "photobucket http address here"><img src= "photobucket http address here"></center><p align="center">

    Another board member posted this info quite a while back and I've been using it ever since. You do need to have a photobucket account and upload all your pictures to photobucket, and then just plug in the direct link. It'll give a nice picture right in the body of your auction description.

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