Pristine 1951 Bowman Mantle, but...

In 1989, I had a wonderful opportunity to purchase a solid NM (probably would have graded a 7.5 today) 1951 Bowman Mantle. The card was pristine, 55/45 centering, decent color. Very eye appealing.
However, the owner of the card always had a problem with his brother stealing his stuff. To "mark" his material, he sent away for a stamp with his name on it, and right below Mantle's writeup he put his PAUL stamp on the back of the card! It was very neatly done.
I didn't end up buying it, because at the time he needed the money and I did not have a customer for it.
However, the owner of the card always had a problem with his brother stealing his stuff. To "mark" his material, he sent away for a stamp with his name on it, and right below Mantle's writeup he put his PAUL stamp on the back of the card! It was very neatly done.
I didn't end up buying it, because at the time he needed the money and I did not have a customer for it.
I remember reading where Mr Mint bought a pristine 53T set from a guy at a show and flipped it immediately - the buyer/dealer ran back with the set and asked him to look at the backs...
look closer....
he had missed the fact that the seller of the set had stamped every card with his initials - very neatly.
Thanx for sharing. It would still be a nice card to own for a good price.