Any Idea what this Pete Rose Auto is worth and Is it worth authenticating?

This auto was obtained in person in the late 80's or 90's around the time Rose was banned. I vaguely remember meeting him, as I was around 12 or 13 around the time. I just remember being scared of him and him replying "Scared! Well hi scared, what you been reading?".
Does the time of when the auto was obtained add any value or would it be worth the same as an auto obtained today?
The COA distributed at the show is MIA, is this something that PSA or JSA would authenticate? I've never submitted a raw auto so, please pardon my ignorance on the topic.
Does the time of when the auto was obtained add any value or would it be worth the same as an auto obtained today?
The COA distributed at the show is MIA, is this something that PSA or JSA would authenticate? I've never submitted a raw auto so, please pardon my ignorance on the topic.

Your picture is probably worth in the $30-$40 range.....
Obviously, your sentimental value in getting it far exceeds any monetary value.
Ironman is right, the Rose autos are pretty common so it's not worth much... but to answer your question, yes, it can be authenticated. I would also think an auto from back then is worth more than one received today but others may chime in on the contrary. I too have a Rose auto I got about 20 years ago which has sentimental value and I did get it authenticated and slabbed for my personal collection.
The provenance is an auto "personally obtained" - and since I'm guessing it's part of your collection - why authenticate?
I have a Rose auto that a friend got for me - with pics of him with Rose - no authentication necessary - it's part of my personal collection.
Very nice pic and a classic Rose auto.
Thanx for sharing.