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Euro soccer - bonanza for US TV market

I guess me and my friends are not the only ones watching ...

http://www.market watch.com/story/champions-league-paces-soccers-us-gains-2011-04-06[/L]

NOTE: the forum would not allow a link because the words market and watch together =T_W_A_T combination. so cut and paste and remove space between "market" and "watch". Thank your governmental watch dogs for this brief instructional interlude)

In addition, the number of vintage cards have risen dramatically. The amount of product manufactured initially for the small markets in England and other European countries is not in demand from large populations in North America and Asia with increased wealthy investors. The top three players that sell are Pele, David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo.


  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭
  • India's Cricket matches were more fun to watch then anything this lame soccer 'sport' has. Please, we're trying to keep the boring soccer stuff out of the country. Yer not helping us forget that such a boring acitivity exists. European lame garbage,, hence.. the american world dominace. You soccer fan countries continue to rely on the U.S. to baby sit you. WHY ? All Soccer fans are Al 'Kida'

    bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!
  • nendeenendee Posts: 567 ✭✭✭
    The "see, euro football will catch on in the us" theme a constant topic on here? Seems to come up daily - just curious.
    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I'm watching. Besides my recent trip to Italy this forum showed me that Calcio is a great sport with
    very passionate fans.

    Go INTER!

    Good for you.
  • I would have to say that either the CEOs at ESPN are stupid or that international soccer makes them lots of money.

    They knew they made a mistake when they lost the Champions League broadcast rights (FOX got it). So ESPN went out and purchased the ELP rights.

    It also amazes me that they are still knuckleheads that think that ESPN only televises to the USA. Their world wide viewership and affiliates number in the hundreds. But even ESPN knows that there are TWO full time channels dedicated 24/7 to soccer (and a third premium channel - Fox Soccer Plus) - no other sport has that.

    I may be wrong, but I don't see any other sport pulling the daytime numbers that soccer does in the USA (which may piss off a few dumb*ss rednecks - so what). I also believe that those writers that keep calling the sport of soccer the "future" in America are ones who probably still believe that someday their will be televisions in every home (and still wearing checkered sport jackets, buckled shoes and bell bottoms).
  • ToroToro Posts: 1,515
    Soccer had always been a popular sport for young children to play, probably one of the best foundations to develop an athlete. However, America has football,baseball and basketball.

  • << <i>Soccer had always been a popular sport for young children to play, probably one of the best foundations to develop an athlete. However, America has football,baseball and basketball. >>

    No America has baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer.

    Soccer here is sponsored by Budwiser, American Airlines, Allstate, AT&T, Glidden Paints, Gatorade, NAPA auto parts, Pepsi and XBOX 360 - among other American companies.

    These are not "young children" targets. They are adult consumers.
  • nendeenendee Posts: 567 ✭✭✭
    Whats the point of this thread? To have each American that thinks Euro-Football is boring and silly to get on one knee, take the collective European Football Wrist, give it a kiss and pledge ever allegiance?

    Just confused on the point - since it's obvious that every time a Euro-Football thread is posted the OP is virtually just trying to drive some sort of point home.....
    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com

  • << <i>Whats the point of this thread? To have each American that thinks Euro-Football is boring and silly to get on one knee, take the collective European Football Wrist, give it a kiss and pledge ever allegiance? >>

    That would a helluva long line!

  • << <i>Whats the point of this thread? To have each American that thinks Euro-Football is boring and silly to get on one knee, take the collective European Football Wrist, give it a kiss and pledge ever allegiance?

    Just confused on the point - since it's obvious that every time a Euro-Football thread is posted the OP is virtually just trying to drive some sort of point home..... >>

    Why do you come in and read this thread ? Just curious ...

    I guess you have to ask yourself what bothers you so much about soccer. If its not your thing - just skip it and read the posts that appeal to you. (the title clearly states soccer)

    I welcome all constructive comments ... I don't put down any other sports just because they don't interest me. If you come here to learn more about soccer that is ok - but just to bash a thread by being ignorant its not only uncool - it just reflects one's stupidity.

    But then again, you cannot explain something intelligent to someone who is not mentally capable. (I'm not directing this at anyone - just saying it may revealed by some comments)

  • << <i>

    But then again, you cannot explain something intelligent to someone who is not mentally capable. (I'm not directing this at anyone - just saying it may revealed by some comments) >>

    Quite true, have seen people try to explain the sports talk forum to members and they just don't seem to get it.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Someone show a card or something.

    Good for you.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭

    EDIT: Sorry Steve, I didn't have a card to show. image
  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭
    you'll save yourself the trouble of dealing with the mouthbreathers if you post your (non-card/memorablilia) soccer thoughts in the

    Sports Talk Forum

    as the American hockey fanbase has discovered, it's a waste of time to try to explain to rednecks and degenerate gamblers that the game you love is so much better than the alternatives (NBA, NCAA BKB, PGA etc). After all, Americans tend to only have interest in things Americans created or revolutionized (golf). There will never be large scale INTL soccer fans in the US when you have the Shakespeare Theatre dismemberment/Vlade Divac reenactment crews like the Italians & French diving and flopping all over the place at the first sign of physical contact - rolling around in agony as they wheel out the WW2 era stretchers only to see said Angelos and Jean Pierres sprint back on the field 30 seconds later. It's just not going to work here or in Canada as you can see by how much Don Cherry & his disciples adore the Swedes and Russians.
  • wallst32wallst32 Posts: 513 ✭✭
    The OP is cleary trying to push the thought of collecting soccer cards to everyone. Each of the posts has a short blurb indicating good soccer card ideas.

    I personally am a huge fan of European soccer, especially UCL, La Liga, and EPL (but I hate MLS). And I know that puts me in the large minority in the US. The sport has too much competition from the major sports here, along with NASCAR and even UFC. The time difference also presents challenges as well. Yes it's true it's the world's biggest sport; but I don't see it becoming main stream in the US any time soon.
  • LOL - I am glad to see the well thought out responses (whether I agree or disagree). But in his defense, even that idiot is entitled to his opinion.

    I'm not interested in recruiting soccer fans - there is plenty already everywhere. I just want to share information for those who might be interested in the hobby of collecting soccer memorabilia and who else might be interested (i.e. - LeBron James buying a share of Liverpool F.C., or Steve Nash's ownership in the Vancouver Whitecaps or from the newest cards to the vintage card prices on the market).

    I let the smart readers decide if they have enough of the nitwits ... makes no matter to me as long as I can post.

    More soccer card scans coming soon.

  • << <i>LOL - I am glad to see the well thought out responses (whether I agree or disagree). But in his defense, even that idiot is entitled to his opinion.

    I'm not interested in recruiting soccer fans - there is plenty already everywhere. I just want to share information for those who might be interested in the hobby of collecting soccer memorabilia and who else might be interested (i.e. - LeBron James buying a share of Liverpool F.C., or Steve Nash's ownership in the Vancouver Whitecaps or from the newest cards to the vintage card prices on the market).

    I let the smart readers decide if they have enough of the nitwits ... makes no matter to me as long as I can post.

    More soccer card scans coming soon. >>

    So everytime you post that there is a game today, what you are really doing is sharing information about soccer memorabilia?

    I do not have any opinion on your sport of choice, other than to say what the hell makes you so special as to not follow the same rules that almost everyone else adheres to?

  • nendeenendee Posts: 567 ✭✭✭
    Look - I don't want to get into this debate - BUT - its obvious that the original theme of THIS thread was an attempt to progress thoughts about what you feel are a lack of attention in America to your favorite sport. By telling people "ESPN Executives think its a huge moneymaker" - is an obvious ploy to push your agenda, by saying "If they love it - so should you!".

    As a matter of fact - I DO enjoy when you post information about soccer memorabilia - but constant score updates or links to business articles about this subject are just too subjective considering those threads have little if any memorabilia content.

    Oh - and about "this hick", I've worked at ESPN for a good portion of my career - except for a stint when I lived in London (1999) for a year working on EPL websites for all the major clubs. I lived about a stones throw from Stamford Bridge in Fulham - went to around 10 Chelsea matches, and attended the best sporting event of my life when I watched Chelsea just humiliate ManU 5-0, I think I'm still drunk from that weekend!

    But - as much as I respect and appreciate soccer on that side of the world, I loved my American sports - and there simply was no room to take up my college football saturdays or NFL sundays - I was simply a monster american football fan - and loved college basketball and baseball. While in London, I never pushed or chided anyone for not following my sports - and it bothers me when "soccer" fans push their agenda, simply because they do it with an air of elitism - because if you don't care about the Champions Cup, it must be because you are sucking on your Busch Beer and cheering on Dale Earnhardt.

    As a poster mentioned, Sports Talk Forum is probably best for this - and heck - I'm even happy to continue the debate there!

    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com

  • << <i>- and there simply was no room to take up my college football Saturdays or NFL Sundays >>

    There goes fall and winter..........

    Spring and summer there is baseball........which is called America's Pastime.

    In between those seasons..there is basketball and how could I forget NASCAR......there just isn't much room for pro soccer for most Americans.

    Hockey is not AMERICA'S SPORT...haha...

    Soccer is the world's sport.......and it will always be that way..........but America has it's own sports.....and I just don't see soccer overtaking any of the big ones in this country.......
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    << <i>there just isn't much room for pro soccer for most Americans. >>

    That may change in 5 to 10 years.

    Good for you.
  • mknezmknez Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭
    I enjoy soccer, and like reading these posts, but they do belong on the Sports Talk Forum.

    stupid print dots

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Look - I don't want to get into this debate - BUT - its obvious that the original theme of THIS thread was an attempt to progress thoughts about what you feel are a lack of attention in America to your favorite sport. By telling people "ESPN Executives think its a huge moneymaker" - is an obvious ploy to push your agenda, by saying "If they love it - so should you!".

    As a matter of fact - I DO enjoy when you post information about soccer memorabilia - but constant score updates or links to business articles about this subject are just too subjective considering those threads have little if any memorabilia content.

    Oh - and about "this hick", I've worked at ESPN for a good portion of my career - except for a stint when I lived in London (1999) for a year working on EPL websites for all the major clubs. I lived about a stones throw from Stamford Bridge in Fulham - went to around 10 Chelsea matches, and attended the best sporting event of my life when I watched Chelsea just humiliate ManU 5-0, I think I'm still drunk from that weekend!

    But - as much as I respect and appreciate soccer on that side of the world, I loved my American sports - and there simply was no room to take up my college football saturdays or NFL sundays - I was simply a monster american football fan - and loved college basketball and baseball. While in London, I never pushed or chided anyone for not following my sports - and it bothers me when "soccer" fans push their agenda, simply because they do it with an air of elitism - because if you don't care about the Champions Cup, it must be because you are sucking on your Busch Beer and cheering on Dale Earnhardt.

    As a poster mentioned, Sports Talk Forum is probably best for this - and heck - I'm even happy to continue the debate there!

    Krish >>

    Awesome post, Krish. You get my early nomination for post of the year.

    Intelligent opinions on this issue can certainly vary. Personally, I think it's very likely that soccer will become the world's-- and that includes the US- dominant sport in the next 10-20 years. That said, there is a distinct different between posts that declare 'this is how I feel' and those that insinuate 'this is how YOU THE READER should feel', and posts that fall into the latter category should be, in my opinion, rightfully disparaged and disregarded.

    I positively adore soccer. But there are a lot of reasons why someone may rightfully hate it, and the incessant diving (along with the lack of scoring) are very legitimate reasons. If someone ignores those legitimate reasons then as far as I'm concerned they're not looking at the entire issue.

  • Nendee - I appreciate your input. I did not apply my comments to anyone person in particular. However, if guilt moves a person, they maybe so inclined to feel guilty.

    I don't wish to have a technical debate, but neither baseball or hotdogs are particularly "American". They are both loved and enjoyed by Americans and both have roots elsewhere. So to say that this or that sport is American is rather naive. I am offended when someone says that soccer or hockey are not American sports. It's just plain ignorant. They are played in America by Americans in front of American fans. As an American, that's good enough for me.

    I not sure why any person would read a post on a sport that they had no interest - other than to troll. From your narrative I see that you have some interest in soccer with your experiences in the UK. I welcome your thoughts or opinions. I will, however, try to educate the interested and the ignorant when the powers move me. The stupid, I simply ignore. (and he knows it)

    Unless the football movies, the wresting nostalgia and the price of wheat is barred from being posted in this memorabilia forum - I think my topic is perfectly acceptable to post here as it has as much to do with the market of soccer cards / memorabilia as the former subjects.

    The good news is - that soccer is part of the American sports scene - and there's not a damn thing the ignorant can do about it.


  • Please educate us stupid people as to why your game announcements belong here, because after reading those threads they sure seem like sports talk to me, but then I am not quite as smart as you are.

  • << <i>Please educate us stupid people as to why your game announcements belong here, because after reading those threads they sure seem like sports talk to me, but then I am not quite as smart as you are. >>

    You said it - not me. image
  • SidePocketSidePocket Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭
    Soccer was definitely my favorite sport to watch my kids play. Non-stop running, no dives, scores were more like 5-4 than 1-0, very exciting. Kids can play at age 5 and have a great time. Watching 5 year olds play baseball was almost mind numbing, it's too young an age for 95% of the kids to catch, throw, and hit. 15-14 games with 17 walks and 14 errors and parents screaming because Johnny hit a tapper to third that turned into a 5 error home run while the kids on defense were kicking dirt clods.

    But would I ever watch a soccer game on TV? Probably only during the World Cup.

    "Molon Labe"

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Please educate us stupid people as to why your game announcements belong here, because after reading those threads they sure seem like sports talk to me, but then I am not quite as smart as you are. >>

    You said it - not me. image >>

    He has a point- these threads do belong in Sports Talk.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>
    Unless the football movies, the wresting nostalgia and the price of wheat is barred from being posted in this memorabilia forum - I think my topic is perfectly acceptable to post here as it has as much to do with the market of soccer cards / memorabilia as the former subjects.

    cheers >>

    It's not a question of 'if you can get away with it'-- it's a question of 'where do these posts belong'. If you're going to call other people ignorant and uneducated then you should hold yourself to a higher standard than the standard to which you hold those whom you criticize.

  • nendeenendee Posts: 567 ✭✭✭
    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
  • nendeenendee Posts: 567 ✭✭✭
    Sorry for firing the blank. My biggest pet peeve is probably that there are threads in here that are non-SCMF related. But - it goes to show how much I really enjoy reading about other peoples experiences in the hobby. There are many places to read certain things - like match talk, or this very thread - or heck, even opinions on your baseball team - it's nice when most of the threads are directly related to the hobby.

    Regardless - no hard feelings - and if you have more cool soccer memorabilia - do show!

    Cubs and Purdue Fan - Ouch!

    My collecting blog: http://ctcard.wordpress.com
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭

    TheHun, why don't you explain why the rules don't apply to you? What makes you better than everyone else?

  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭

    << <i>TheHun, why don't you explain why the rules don't apply to you? What makes you better than everyone else? >>

    We non-soccer fans cannot possibly comprehend how such an intelligent person as thehun can be told, as I did in earlier posts with three simple words, Sports Talk Forum, that they somehow do not belong there and we are idiots for not being enthralled in soccer.

    Your gig is up pal.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Not for nothing but just about at anytime here, one can see plenty of OT threads that have nothing to do with sports cards
    memorabilia, or even sports debate. Why the fuss over Hun's threads? It's not like he has flooded the forum with them.

    My next statement is simply, if you don't like them stay away, all this whining only serves to keep the thread on the page
    that you don't want it on. Give the guy a break. If it bothers you (no one specific) whine to Otis and have it moved.

    Respectfully yours,


    Good for you.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Steve, why is TheHun so special that he doesn't need to follow the rules?

    We see the pattern forming with his soccer talk posts. Most of them don't seem to have anything to do with memorabilia.

    The point I'd like to make is that he knows full well what he's doing. Don't think for one minute he didn't expect a problem to arise from this.

    What exactly is the lesson here???

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Don't sweat the little things.

    Good for you.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Steve, The question about this little lesson was directed at TheHun. I'm curious to know exactly what he's trying to teach us "ignorants".

    These posts have some sort of agenda. He's was obviously trying to provoke some sort of response, and for anyone to try and twist this into other people's ignorance is ridiculous.

    Ignoring people when they add polite "wrong forum" comments, and slamming them with how stupid they are when they lash out in any way.

    This is BS, like people whining about whiners.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    lol I can't believe how bothersome this is to some people.

    Sorry Trent my telepathic powers were down, I thought the question was directed at me.

    After all the post started with my name.

    Good for you.
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