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ebay Q - SNAD

Can a NARU'd buyer file a SNAD and get refunded?


David (LD_Ferg)

1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06


  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    Why am I drawing a blank on what NARU is short for? Is that not a registered user? If so yes they can screw you via Paypal filing a claim or via filing a chargeback. Been screwed in both situations already once in the past 4 months.
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    yes. NARU = not a registered user.

    thanks for the info.


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    Not to thread jack too much but anyone know if you lose a chargeback and Paypal says they fought to get you back your money but tells you the CC company ruled against you is there anything more that can be done? I demanded more info on the pr ick and which CC company it was but Paypal refused to give me the info. Punk was booted from eBay about a month before the chargeback was filed and I had delivery confirmation but he of course claimed to have received something way different.
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