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April 17, 2011: USPS Rate Hikes

What Postage Rates Will Increase?

Effective April 17, 2011, the postage rate for single-piece, 1-ounce First-Class letters will remain at 44 cents. However, postage for each additional ounce will increase from 17 to 20 cents.

•The price for mailing a postcard will increase one cent to 29 cents.

•First-Class postage for letters mailed to Canada or Mexico will increase to 80 cents for either country. That's a 5 cent increase for letters to Canada and a one penny increase for letters to Mexico.

•First-Class postage for letters to all other foreign countries will remain at 98 cents.

•Rates for Express Mail and Priority Mail will not change.

Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.


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