e-bay/paypal question
This morning I paid for 2 items I won on e-bay from 2 different sellers using paypal. I've often paid for several items from different sellers together without issue. I just noticed that one of the paypal payments is "unclaimed" and my paypal account is showing the seller as "unregistered." I've never had this happen to me before on any paypal purchases. The item cost less than $20. I thought in order to sell on e-bay you had to be registered with paypal. Tim
He may have a merchant account and accepts credit cards?
One need not accept PP, only some form of electronic payment.
I'd email him through ebay and see what's up.
You should be able to cancel the payment under these circumstances by signing into your PayPal account directly at paypal.com.
Then contact the seller and find out what's going on.
This should not affect the payment for the other item at all.