Need some help-paypal thing

I bought 3 items of this guy-he had 12.95 for shipping on each item...I ask him to reduce the shipping and he did. It went from about 39.00 or so to 7.50. When I try to pay him the with paypal the invoice has the old shipping and wont let me change it to the new lower shipping price.
How does the guy change this or how should I pay him? If I get his paypal address and just pay him the new amount we agreed on, will the "old" invoice look as though I never paid the guy ?
How does the guy change this or how should I pay him? If I get his paypal address and just pay him the new amount we agreed on, will the "old" invoice look as though I never paid the guy ?
Unless you ungrouped the items after he combined the shipping and then regrouped them. That will cause the problem, and you'll have to ask the seller to send another invoice with combined shipping (basically starting from scratch).
If the seller is trying to work with you on it, and there's no possible way to get the ebay invoice system to properly recognize the correct reduced shipping amount, there would be two alternatives. First is that you ask for the seller's PayPal e-mail address and send him money by clicking the "Send Money" tab in your PayPal account. The other option is to ask him to temporarily change his ebay seller settings to allow buyers to adjust the total amount of their payment so you can just manually enter the agreed upon amount. Once you've sent payment, he can change the setting back.
but he'll get charged the full percentage of the $12.95 fee for each item (if that new Ebay rule has kicked in yet).
Better to have him just redo the invoice - he can just click "send invoice" next to one of the items and all your items will show up on his next screen. It'll take him 20 seconds to redo it