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Anyone know how I would get Selanne's autograph on his rookie card?

Does he have any upcoming signings? Maybe a foundation? Thanks for any help.

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  • I know he's a good IP signer but maybe through the mail is worth a shot?
  • Many people send to his home address, but it's widely accepted that the signatures obtained through that address are that of a ghost signer...

    I think your best shot would be to get it signed IP if you know someone who hounds NHL teams or wait for a paid signing once he retires.
  • VitoCo1972VitoCo1972 Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭
    Get on SCN. Someone will graph them sooner or later and take one on consignment for you.
  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    Try writing to him c/o the Ducks but you better hurry (sorry, Eagle EyeKid, couldn't resist). He's absolutely awesome IP but if that's not possible. He'll usually sign through the mail too but sometimes it can take months. Teemu's definitely a superstar who "gets it" where fans are concerned.
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