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"My Ebay" Problem

Just lost everything that was on my Ebay Summary Page except the "bidding" section. When I go to the "Customize Your Summary Page" link, the only option available is the bidding section. Purchase History is not available, neither is Didn't Win or Selling. Any ideas on what happened.


  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Dumb question - are you sure you're logged in?

    try deleting your cookies
  • PSARichPSARich Posts: 534 ✭✭✭
    Yep, logged in. Have logged in several times just to make sure the problem really exists.
  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭
    Do you still have the "Summary" bar going down the left side of the screen (with headers Buy, Lists, and Sell)? Click on the blue triangle next to "Buy" and it'll expand out and you'll get a list of other sections, "Won/Purchased" and "Didn't Win" being some of them.
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
  • PSARichPSARich Posts: 534 ✭✭✭
    Got it fixed. Thanks for your help.
  • bkingbking Posts: 3,095 ✭✭
    Yeah, that happens to me a bunch. Sometimes the site seems really slow and all the CSS, etc doesn't download. It really messes up the page appearance, but a refresh and clicking on Summary always does the trick for me.
    Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989

    Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
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