We just opened a great 1947-66 Exhibits cello pack and posted the video on YouTube!

Hi everyone,
We recently opened a 1947-66 Exhibits Cello Pack, videotaped it, and posted it to YouTube. It was a great pack and we were thrilled with our pulls. Please check it out. If you enjoy it, let us know and we will post more vintage pack rips! The next two packs were are opening are 1966 Philadelphia Football and 1960 Fleer Baseball Greats, and I expect to post the Philly pack rip at some point next week.
Here is the video: 1947-66 Exhibits Cello Pack Rip
Scott Greenwald
Just Collect, Inc.
We recently opened a 1947-66 Exhibits Cello Pack, videotaped it, and posted it to YouTube. It was a great pack and we were thrilled with our pulls. Please check it out. If you enjoy it, let us know and we will post more vintage pack rips! The next two packs were are opening are 1966 Philadelphia Football and 1960 Fleer Baseball Greats, and I expect to post the Philly pack rip at some point next week.
Here is the video: 1947-66 Exhibits Cello Pack Rip
Scott Greenwald
Just Collect, Inc.
Leighton Sheldon
Just Collect, Inc
Office: (732)-828-2261
Just Collect, Just Collect Blog, Facebook
Leighton Sheldon
Just Collect, Inc
Office: (732)-828-2261
Just Collect, Just Collect Blog, Facebook
Leighton Sheldon
Just Collect, Inc
Office: (732)-828-2261
Just Collect, Just Collect Blog, Facebook
That, and it is REALLY fun to open old packs of cards!!
Leighton Sheldon
Just Collect, Inc
Office: (732)-828-2261
Just Collect, Just Collect Blog, Facebook
Here's a WRAPPER with a $300 BIN. Seems a little high!
I can offer him our cello wrapper. It is in worse shape than his, but I would take a lot less!!
Leighton Sheldon
Just Collect, Inc
Office: (732)-828-2261
Just Collect, Just Collect Blog, Facebook