Die Chip Book update Release date looking to be Sept 2015.

For anyone who is interested in Die chips I wanted to update you on how the book I am working on is going I got the book writing program and a template to work with. Building the pages this week and hope to start shooting pictures as early as next week. I still need the proper lighting and felt for the backround. But outside of that constructing the pages are going very smoothly. 85 Pages built ready for the info. I am estimating this book to be a hefty 460 to 475 pages when done. Im thinking of doing a duel volume set of this book or doing one big version. Unsure how I will go about this yet but 1 coin per page is looking like the best way as of now. No price point yet and I hope to have a publisher pick this book up between now and DEC 2011. I hope . If not then maybe an DVD/CD book. Depending on how things go. I would love to see this go paper bound but I dont know if there would be enough interest for it. I figure I would update you on this. Odds are noone here will care and this will just fall at the wasteside BUT worth a shot maybe people will surprise me and take an interest in die chips and this book.
Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10.
In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 

If it's a CD/DVD then it might not matter.
<< <i>Stupid question, but if you're looking to garner interest in the subject, what's a die chip? >>
This thread is an example of one:
Thread with a die chip
Before it gets asked. I dont know what the value on these are. majority you can get for face value from friendly nice board members from time to time. My book makes no effort to try to price them. Nor should I since I a.) dont track prices b.) interest for these havent brought along cause for a price guide yet. Only coins that die chips help prices on are rarer coins like Wide AM cents DDO DDR Clipped coins and Key dates. But thats the help of other areas of the market influencing price over the chip by itself on a normal coin.
Staging area with scope for inspections camera for pictures area to sort coins , Gram scale to weigh coins, and boxes of coins in tubes and a little currency too.
Central hub Computer with LCR and AIM. Coins on top of my garage sale box find for 5.00 and coin storage on top and some inside.1c 2x2s and a stapler ready for use.
2x2 station. PC more 2x2d coins to sort. [phone to call ET. Large cents chill on the red board. can o pens, remote for music on the tv and vitamin water to keep me going.
The small growing coins from the last new load of 88. about 30 there if that.
The camera.
The investigator. You want to look at something this will get the job done. this is what i was using with the iphone to take pictures before the other camera.
Assorted bag of Die cracks. Lets not go there yet.
Yeah this is where that 50.00 bag of 1000 wheats ended up. Not touching them yet either. so far i did notice 3 1959 memorials
Even the top of my computer is being used for 2x2 stand by.
Tubed coins for later processing.
Container of 68-74S cents. toothpicks to clean a few coins 2 stacks of SBAs and some Lincoln dollars that are forsale.
Hoard the keys.
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
Sonorandesertrat: i would love to get a nice example of that for my collection and book a 1855 knob ear
Maybe I can get a discount on the book when it's done.
Franklin-Lover's Forum
A word of advice ... I wouldn't use your "gram scale" (i.e., the Mettler balance) as a storage platform for coins, tape, etc. Although Mettler makes a rugged balance, misuse will lead to an inaccurate instrument. Those Mettlers ain't cheap!
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
<< <i>Interesting research...
A word of advice ... I wouldn't use your "gram scale" (i.e., the Mettler balance) as a storage platform for coins, tape, etc. Although Mettler makes a rugged balance, misuse will lead to an inaccurate instrument. Those Mettlers ain't cheap!
Lane >>
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
This is one of the Lincoln.
Hoard the keys.
Book update:
Total Die chip coins to date in the book : 696. Coins waiting for data entry and photography : 24
New additions include a bunch of 2008P nickels. a few 2005P nickels.A bunch of 1970-2010 dimes with small chips on the face of roosevelt. ( many are really tiny and minor but as of now still included in the book for reference. ). Bunch of state quarter chips. (2004-2008). First 2011 Hot springs die chip in the reverse. A few 2011 cents located with minor chips.
#698. 1999 1c chip in e of cent crack from rim to memorial
#699. 1981 1c filled loop of 9
#700. 2005p 10c filled p hole in pluribus
sharing the chips enjoy
Update is 730+ coins now in the book closing fast of 750. Reworking some areas of the book to be more beneficial to the reader. and built a page on what is a die chip with a 4 stage process of a coin from start to finish of a chip. Very cool stuff. Coming along well. But wanted to share the good word with you guys. I know most of you think its a waste. and maybe it is. But its what i enjoy and if a worthless book being made makes me happy just
book total clears 800 specimens at 803
the book is 90% done next steps I need to do is stop edit condense and then self publish. I added to my contribute page and dedication page.
I talked to billy Crawford about the publishing aspect. He was really nice and full of valuable info. Glad to meet a guy who really lives to give back to the coin world.
People like him really make my book possible.
I'm hoping for my book to be out at the end of 2011. And I can feel confident that it's a realistic goal too
thanks to those who helped along the way
Franklin-Lover's Forum
All pictures are done for the 1st edition ( for the coin chapters).
Working on the intro chapter now
here are some areas im having issues with maybe someone can give me an idea on how to go about it.
Copyright page
Introduction ( not having an issue outside of havent done that yet).
A buyer beware page ( Showing examples of certain things a collector might see Pressed coins ( that a seller might say is an error). Machine doubleing (a seller might say is a DDO). Things of that nature.
And a How to get started collecting chips page. ( like the Intro page , just havent started).
Anything else would be good for the intro chapter of the book?
Gas bubbles in planchets that look like die errorrs.
Copper coated zinc cents with bubbled plating.
Corroded coins that looks like die breaks.
Cuts that leave raised ridges alongside the cut.
You should show how die progressions (die states) work, so that the same die doesn't get listed twice.
Contact Bill, maybe he could help you.
Jan 2 2012 report.
Cleaned up the page a little. Some of my friends FB text got caught up on this page ( been wondering where it went). Wasnt really for you guys. But now you see how nuts I am outside of the coin world. Sorry if anyone was offended by it.
Onto the report.
+ Finish the intro chapter of text, spelling and grammar repairs.
+ Im in the works with writing little bio segways for each chapter page.
+ Last minute changes include 2 listings being pulled from the book. these are gonna be added to the 2nd edition in a new chapter to themselves.
+Layout editing to still do in some areas.
+ Will be sending a thread this week to LCR to confirm all those who helped and make sure that I will be able to reach said people for their copies of the book when done. My list has 11 names that have contributed coins to the book (without requesting payment for their coins). These people are on the list to receive a free copy when done signed by me.
+ I have a notepad with a list of things that I need to adjust in the listings too.
Of the 4,400 coins received, I have started to process the coins into the data base and 2x2'ing the coins. The categories completed to date are the following:
BIE Cents
Chipped Letters
Chipped Numbers
Field Chips
Spiked Heads
Clipped Coinage
Lamination Variations
And Mintmark Variations.(MMEs)
I hope to have more info in the upcoming weeks with more news. Till then keep searching and never stop chipping away at things. Be safe in the new year.
While setting things up with my editor I needed a fast proof reader. So my friend volunteered. Today I will be getting the layout to the editor so they can see how bad the mess i have is ( which i dont believe is a mess but you dont know till someone more experienced looks at it). I think this is the first time in quite a while I can offically NOT touch the 1st edition. and just focus on mailings, payments, and the 2nd edition. Also now i can work on posting some interesting coins on the group page here too. So on to the list of things to note for the week.
+ Yesterday afternoon my friend got a quick copy of the 1st ed. to proof read.
... + Last night sorted out a new pile of TO DO COINS. Some interesting coins to share this evening.
+ Doing some mock ups for the lay out edits I need to take care of.
+ Been in talks with 1 website about advertising in the book.
+ No totals for all coins done to date as of now. Still adding coins as I type this so Ill post something as a comment later if I remember.
The big news is I talked to a dealer at the coin show at Parsippany. He took a look at my book and gave me a contact to talk to at the Whitman table at Baltimore. If she thinks she could sell 5,000 copies they might pick it up. 5,000 seems kinda high for this kinda subject matter that is so small and the fact a book hasn't been put out about this subject in nearly 50 yrs. I figure IF they did pick it up it would be a 500 to 1,000 book seller. Which for me would be great and would get my name and subject out there.
I figure even if they don't pick it up they might be able to suggest a smaller publishing company in the coin field that might be interested in taking on a small book like this. Never know. Worst case I just go along with my original plan of Copyright, get a ISBN and self-publish.
I hope to have the book back by the 20th of this month. Do my lay out edits between the 20th and 22nd print 1 or 2 copies on the 22nd or 23rd and be ready Baltimore on the 24th. Alot to get done in what 13 days. This whole project has been an experience that has pushed me to new limits and brought me new great friends in the coin world along with new interesting coins. This FB page and its small but slowly growing group of members show what you can do with a dream.
Thanks to all, Hope to have some bigger news down the road.
It would have been nice to have the copyright done, and had reviewer copies sent out and have comments for the back cover BUT that didnt get done in time. 2 years into this book I just hope it wasnt for not. Time shall say. I want to thank those who helped me with comments suggestions and coins. I gotta mail out the rest of the returns before the show Friday. I need to get all those coins I needed to look at , re look at and look at once more out of here. Those who have helped me and been patient while their careful packages laid idle or reopened for re inspection words can not express how thankful you guys and gals have been. ( yes this means your babies are coming home).
Also another thing is looking for a new template for the front and back covers to make them look more professional and less amateurish. That has been underway at this time. Also ground is about to be broken on designing a website for the book and for the coins covered in the book. I figure its time to get that ball rolling now so by the time June hits things will be ready to go.
My facebook club page for the NDCCA is still up and running and can be found here:
National Die Chip Collectors Association. ( NDCCA ).
This is open to anyone and everyone who has an interest chips cracks, clips, cuds, lamination errors or any other kind of coins variations/errors that are found. Only rules to keep in mind ( and on here I know the people wouldnt even think its needed to say ) No cursing , be respectful , and have fun. Any comments , feedback, and suggestions are always welcomed. More updates on my book and happenings with me can be found there on the fan page.
Thanks again to all those who have helped along the way.
I hope that there is at least 1 person from all this has taken an interest in or started to appreciate these kinds of varieties that in the past would have been looked over. If someone has then this wasn't done in vain.
Anywho, for those interested Check the BTS in the next week or 2 for ways to Preorder / Order a copy of my book . Its gonna be $40 delivered. Not as cheap as I would have liked it to be But with all my costs to produce the book and mailing supplies and shipping it cost me a bit more. Right now a coil bound will be the only way to get the book as a glue spine edition I feel would be more of a hassle and a coil bound prevents the glue giving way.
The money used to do the proof reading ( in order to self publish the book) went very bad. Basically ( cutting to the chase of it ) I got scammed out of the money cause the proof reader never produced the work. Lesson learned and trying to fight with the website was a big pain in the rear that kept me going around in loops.
It took time to save up and time off from the frustration but through another site ( a coin site this time ) I hope now to have a lead to get the proof reading done and the book out. Its now 190 pages and over 2300 items covered. Its taken me alot longer than I had hoped BUT I think at the end of the day it'll be worth it. To see it in its final production and ready for collectors is something Ive wanted to see from day one.
Also I still collect chips cracks lamination errors cuds and other items covered by the book. Just wanted to give a quick update and touch base with everyone here. I hope to do more threads on this topic and also add input where I can on other threads.
I got a cup full of chips I been pulling out of bank rolls.
Shoot me a PM with an address and I will send them to you.
Areas that will be covered include
Clogged Letters
Clogged Numbers
Die Chips obverse ( Chips in the design and in the field ) and reverse
Die Cracks obverse and reverse
I Hope everyone will enjoy this book when it comes out. Price has yet to be set due to me seeing how much its going to cost to print. But in the next week or so Ill have all that info down and will be able to go from there.
Harry I will send you a message I hope all is good with you still.
If anyone has questions, information , comments, coins of interest feel free to drop me a line. Also feel free to check out the NDCCA facebook page with picture submissions from other members.
Thank you for all your support during this project.
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