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Coin guy here and mid-life crisis tells me to buy all of the garbage pail kids, questions!?

Okay team, I used to collect PSA graded cards like Nolan Ryan rookies, Ty Cobb T-206 and even spent a large sum (5 figures) on a 52 Topps Mantle, but I find myself wanting to buy series 1-5 garbage pail kids?? Back in 85 I was 6 and lived them. So stupid questions, are they collectible, are there price guides, does PSA grade them, what would I be looking at for series 1 in NM-Mint? Any good resources for purchases?



  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    post this in the Non-Sports cards forum and you should get good advice, they are still quite popular judging from the posts there on the subject
  • handymanhandyman Posts: 5,394 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Same boat as you. But in 85 I was 4. But my brother got me into those bf cards. And today If I see a series 1-8 wax box I will buy it. Fun times. Better than cards for me.
    Im Also in texas maybe thats the deal i dont know
  • I don't know what they're worth, but I know PSA grades them. I was 6 when they came out in 1985, and I loved them.

    I say go buy whatever makes you happy, for whatever reason it makes you happy. I've been buying up a bunch of baseball cards that had personal significance to me from around 1986 to 1990. The cards meant as much to me as baseball itself. Then I got more into basketball, and I really never got into basketball cards because I was older by the time I became obsessed with the Chicago Bulls. But now I've been buying up a lot of basketball cards from that era, because they signify events that mean a lot to me. Even though a lot of these basketball cards are cards I've never owned before, the feeling is the same.

    A few people have mentioned that owning cards is like traveling back in time. It's very infantile and egocentric, and arguably immature and selfish. But as long as nobody is getting hurt, who is anyone to judge? I'm certainly not ashamed of it. I like that you referred to it as a mid-life crisis. For me, it has nothing to do with "mid-life." It's more post-childhood crisis that, for me, will never really subside until the day I die.
  • Series one sets are very expensive and wax boxes are about 1200
  • Mid-life crisis at 31? You've done some livin'.

  • << <i>Mid-life crisis at 31? You've done some livin'. >>

    I had what I thought was a mid-life crisis at 13, but that was over 18 years ago, and the pain hasn't subsided yet. Truth is it wasn't a mid-life crisis. It was just the day I realized that I might be old enough to actually be held accountable for my actions, and I also knew that responsibilities I didn't want to oblige myself to were going to be cast upon me whether I liked it or not. I didn't like it then, and I still don't like it now.

    It's really egocentric, I know, but I think it's plays right into the original question TexasToken was asking. Collecting cards at our age now is all about recapturing the experience of a time when everything was about self-indulgence, we had no responsibilities, and there were no consequences for our actions. Like Mellencamp wrote, life goes on long after the thrill of livin' is gone.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Contact wabbitwax on ebay.
    Good for you.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    GPK are the 80s equivalent to Wacky Packages. I think popularity will grow on a slow rising slope as the years go on. Series 1 and 2 are the pricey ones, especially 1 as RepIM said.
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    Geeze 31 and mid-life already???

    I thought I was having one being I am trying to get my old car back. Just like the one I had when I was 19!

    Here is what my old car looks like only the one I had was a different color.
  • this line is perfect in my opinion.....

    "I collect for nostalgic reasons... if I didn't collect it then, I won't collect it now."

    i say collect the GPK, they were awesome!
    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    It seems to me that the name of the product says it all.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I was 9 when Series 1 came out, and I had them all!! I had them all peeled and stuck all over my school folders... image
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just did a search on EBAY and a series 1 box sold on Feb 26th for $2500
  • ToroToro Posts: 1,515
    GPK were the most popular "in thing" back in the eighties. I remember our librarian would give packs out as prizes for a book report. I think she stopped when she realized she couldnt afford it anymore. Series 1 is the most popular with the original art sold by the Topps Vault going for four figures every time.
  • << Mid-life crisis at 31? You've done some livin'. >>


    You sound like my wife! I did 7 combat tours in Iraq and Afg. and amazingly got shot 7 times and blown up 2 times. After coming out of all that alive and only having to see a pain management doctor for my back I feel quite lucky! (I know I am as I have lost too many friends to count, well not really 39 KIA's and 4x WIA of "good" friends) so I figure every day above ground is a gift and money is just money, but my wife, friends, hobbies and everything else are gifts and meant to be enjoyed! I won't spend 20 hours to save $4 but don't want to get hose either.

  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow... Thank You for your Service to Our Country!
  • jersterjerster Posts: 828 ✭✭✭
    I think I "borrowed" a series 4 box and a series 5 box at the same time back in the 80's from the local Woolworths. Maybe the girl behind the counter thought I was just strangely well endowed?
  • I was 3 when they came out, but I remember my older brother collecting the set, he was smart and sleeved them and everything, always thought he was crazy, but he sold his for around 2300 to a private collector though, not ebay.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭

    << <i> << Mid-life crisis at 31? You've done some livin'. >>


    You sound like my wife! I did 7 combat tours in Iraq and Afg. and amazingly got shot 7 times and blown up 2 times. After coming out of all that alive and only having to see a pain management doctor for my back I feel quite lucky! (I know I am as I have lost too many friends to count, well not really 39 KIA's and 4x WIA of "good" friends) so I figure every day above ground is a gift and money is just money, but my wife, friends, hobbies and everything else are gifts and meant to be enjoyed! I won't spend 20 hours to save $4 but don't want to get hose either. >>

    You must be a cat with all those lives! Thank you for your service!
  • Wow... Thank You for your Service to Our Country!

    This is said quite a bit, but I never hear troops say, thank you for your support, SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! I really do appreciate it and coming home from war now-a-days, while always tough is not the same thing as when my father came home from Vietnam. The support, kindness and overall caring of everyone just blows me away and it was a pleasure serving you fine people and I would do it again, in a heart beat if only my body had it in it. I appreciate everyone's response and hope to post pictures soon!

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a retired member of the Army - having served in Vietnam and Desert Storm - I was struck by the change in the heart of Americans towards military participation.

    I'm glad I got to see the change - if I had to do it all over again - I would still spend a career in the military.

    I think it's interesting about the midlife crisis thing - since instead of wanting a new sports care - I chose to buy collectible stuff!

    There sure is a thin line between a hobby and insanity.

    Sorry I can't help ya with the GP cards - never collected them - I was a big BB card guy in 1985.

    Good luck if you choose to collect them.

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