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Lighting, lighting it's at about the lighting.

morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,455 ✭✭✭✭✭
This pic I used a table stand, and two GE Reveal bulbs, the energy saving kind, 13watts equivilant to a 60 watt bulb.
800 lumuns per bulb. I used the super macro feature, 2 second timer, in natural light mode.
Nothing has been done to this pic, as is, right from the download.


Pic was taken free hand, slab in one hand, camera in the other, super macro on, natural light mode. Window up, screen up, overcast sky.
This pic represents the coin totally, I know it's a bit bright, but if I can duplicate natural daylight,
and spread the light evenly all over the coin, I'll be happy. All I want is to photograph the coin as it looks in hand, haha.
If you bought this coin, based on the pic, you would be satisfied, and agree the pic repesents the coin.
So I guess my question is what bulb should I buy? The non energy saving kind?

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