analyzing my cards for potential half-grade bumps
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What is the best method to check graded cards for possible submission for a half-grade or higher bump? I have a PSA 8.5 and thought about getting a small metal ruler, measuring the 8.5 card and checking this measurement against cards I think may bump. Is this the best way, or is there a better way to give myself a fair shot at an upgrade?
I am not a huge fan of the half-point change that PSA went to some years ago. However, those are the rules and I am compelled to play within their sand box, like it or not. My cards are vintage, and from what I've seen, a half-point bump on some of these things can make a huge difference in the monetary value of one of these cards should I decide to sell. Of course the requirement is that for an 8 to bump to an 8.5, requires the card to have 9 centering...the rest is subjecitvity, or as you elude, the mood of the grader on that given day. My dilema is the number of cards to send in and the very low expectation when they pop from the graders. I'll give the caliper thing a ponder, I do have an 8.5 in my collection, so I have a bit of a guide to go by...we'll see how this turns out.
IMO, its very difficult to receive a bump. First off, you have to se if it is worth bumbing from an econoic standpoint, if you are going to sell the card (s). Bumping a readily available card is probably not worth it. Bumbing most low pops are not worth it either. I would suggest (and I do not have shares in the company), joining VCP and seeing the price difference between say an 8 and an 8.5 of the particular card. Only then, and if you are really really sure it MAY bump (because its subjective) should it be sent in. I personally have another person with knowledge look at the card(s) before submitting them.
IOM, the original premise for the bump option is revenue for PSA, lets not forget that.
By the way, these are the kind of discusions that should be on this forum (and others). Not what kind of beer do you drink, who is the most influential landscaper in Westchester county, can someone give me a VCP price, and other 'washerwoman" topics that have been posted.
The cards I'm considering are all 1955 Topps PSA 8s(NQ). The bump could well bring a nice premium. I have also had a VCP account for several years, and am also a bit tweaked when I see a post asking for "VCP help...". I PAY a bit over $179 per year, others who seek this info should do the same or use SMR. No question that the half-point was a money maker for PSA. I am also aware that the potential for a bump is pathetically low, but I thought I'd review some of my more worthy candidates.
BTW, my 1955 Topps set is on eBay for sale if you care to take a gander. The set is about 16 cards short of a straight PSA 8 set. I posted this before, but in case you may not have seen it, a pic of my set is attached. No brag intended, just enjoy the view. Sorry for the flash.
So far a "cheapos" go, you are right the world and these forums are infested with them.
Great stuff..............
On grading, some people can pick out subtleties with cards and
others cannot. It does take a skill. Also it's a roll of the dice in many instances.
As celesterussell said, I would take a look at which cards might be worth bumping. Get out a 10x loupe and really look them over closely. Send in the best candidates and cross your fingers. If you hit on 20% or higher getting bumps, I would think it
would justify itself with the costs associated.
Good luck with your set completion or sale of them.
As for the half-point, I'm leaning towards not doing it. Just begins to really feel like an exercise in futility. I have some cards that look spot on, but with the "mood" of the grader that has to be part of the equation, which is basically subjectivity, I may be pouring money down the drain. Money may be better spent upgrading some of my 7s to 8s to enhance the set overall.
Thanks again.
<< <i>Unfortunately the whole bump thing is pretty much a farce. I say don't waste your money. >>
Save it.
The 1/2 pt bump is highly dependent on the quality you submit. Sure if you submit several that are just unworthy "it is a farce". However, if you submit several that are of quality and leaning towards the next grade, particularly with pre 1/2 pt. certs, your pct.'s are certainly reasonable enough to make it worthwhile dollars and cents wise. My review rates have been solid, including plenty of 9's that even went to 10's, let alone a 1/2 pt. bump on 8's and below.
I grabbed my 55 set before I sold it off and went through and saw which cards had remarkable centering, then I weeded it down from there. Also I was just going from 7 to 7.5 but I felt there was one or two 8's that economically or visually stood a chance. I bumped 2/6 and they were Groat (super tough) and Grim (economically very nice)
hope that helps