TTM Address Needed for Brian Downing

Inspired by Mike's incredible thread, I've decided to try and get my childhood hero on his RC. If anyone has had any success with a TTM for former Angel & Ranger, Brian Downing, please drop me a line.
Brian Downing
8095 Country Rd 135
Celina,Tx 75009
I don't have Downing pictured, but it looks like these:
In my mind, Downing is the first "Juicer".
He was the first one I could remember talking about it.... But back then early 80's, no one cared much.... like they should now.
I also remember he could bench 405 lbs (4 plates) multiple times.... and his unusual extremely open stance was because of his glasses....... so he got a better look with both eyes on a pitch.
If anyone has anything Downing related -- autos, jerseys, bats, etc -- please PM me.
Also, still looking for an address with TTM success.