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For Sale: Partial Capped Bust Half-Dime Die Marriage Collection, R5's, R6 and Cuds

I'm thinking of selling my Capped Bust Dime Die Marriage Collection and thought that if there's any interest I'd offer it here first.
I'm REALLY focusing on my Capped Bust Dime Die Marriage Set, so any cash I can get from this would go a long way in completing that goal.
Some coins are rather nice and original, while a lot of others are low-grade and/or problem coins I purchased in a large batch just to fill holes
quickly. Some coins I will consider selling separately ("Rare Die Marriages" and "Cuds" (at the bottom)), but I'd like to sell all of these in 1, 2
or 3 sales, and not bother parting this collection out to too many board members.

Of particular interest to more advanced collectors of this series is my collection of 8 Cuds (retained and full), many of which are quite scarce.

I can get pics upon request, but they won't be very good since I don't have my "decent" camera equipment with me at school.

PM if interested
Items are described precisely as you will receive them
All coins are raw unless otherwise stated
(In all, I'm looking for $2,000 - $2,500 for the entire collection.)

Rare Die Marriages
1829 LM-12 (R6) Fine details, holed (Best offer up to $200)
*1836 LM-1.1 (R5), F-15, Reverse retained Cud on “TED” (considerably rarer than the 1836 LM-1.2) $175
*1836 LM-1.2 (R5), VF-35, Reverse retained Cud on “TED” $325
1837 LM-2 (R5) ~VF-35 (weak reverse strike and dark reverse toning) $325

Die Marriages (problem-free)
1829 LM-5 VF-25
1831 LM-5 VF-35/EF-40
1832 LM-12 VF-30
1833 LM-7 F-12
1834 LM-3 F-12
1835 LM-8.1 VF-35
1836 LM-5, VF-20
1837 LM-5 AU, lustrous

Die Marriages (problem coins)
1829 LM-1 FR details, holed
1829 LM-14 (R4) VG details, holed and rim dings
1829 LM-16.1 VF-30 details, holed
1830 LM-2 VG/F details, holed
1830 LM-7 FR details, scratches
1831 LM-6 F/VF details, COUNTERSTAMPED twice “G. BELZ” on obverse
1831 LM-6 (horrible)
1832 LM-13 F-details, holed
1833 LM-1, VF details, holed, (MASSIVE Strike Doubling on “UNITED S” and “ERICA”)
1833 LM-1 (horrible)
1833 LM-4.1 G-details, holed
1833 LM-9 G-details, holed
1834 LM-2 VG-details, holed
1834 LM-2 FR-details, rev. scratches
1835 LM-3 VG-details, holed
1835 LM-4 F-details, holed
1835 LM-6 FR-details, bent
1835 LM-7 AG/G, light obverse scratches
1835 LM-8.2 VF-35+ details, holed
1835 LM-10 (2 horrible coins)
1836 LM-3, PR/FR
1837 LM-1 AG details (x2 coins)

Cuds $1,000 for all 8
1831 LM-1.3, VG, Reverse retained Cud over “NIT” (Considered "relatively common")
1831 LM-2, F/VF, Reverse Cud over “R” (Considered "uncommon")
1832 LM-5, G, Reverse Cud at “TED STA” (Considered "relatively available")
1832 LM-10.4, F-12, Reverse retained Cud between “OF A” and Scroll (Considered "scarce")
1833 LM-1, G/AG, Reverse Cud over “ED STATE” (Considered "rarely found")
1835 LM-4, G/VG, details (bent), Reverse Cud over “UNI” (Considered "very rare")
*1836 LM-1.1 (R5), F-15, Reverse retained Cud on “TED” (Considered "very rare")
*1836 LM-1.2 (R5), VF-35, Reverse retained Cud on “TED” (Considered "very rare")

*listed both in “Rare Die Marriages” and “Cuds”
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