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PSA and PSA/DNA Heading to the Windy City

As a reminder, PSA and PSA/DNA will be attending the 42nd Chicago Sun Times show from March 11 to March 13, 2011. Come visit us at our new location booth C-14 (from the entrance, turn left on the first aisle).

Our company will be taking submissions for all of our services and performing onsite autograph authentication, which includes our encapsulation service.

Important Note: We will not be offering onsite card grading at this show but will be taking submissions back to our offices in California.

Submit at the show and save on time and shipping fees in sending your valued collectibles to us.

Collectors Club members, why not submit and take advantage of the monthly specials? Not yet a member? Join now or at the show and enjoy the many benefits.

If you should have any questions, please contact our Customer Service department toll-free at (800) 325-1121.


  • cadets68cadets68 Posts: 596 ✭✭✭

    I have enjoyed meeting and talking with you at past shows.

    See you there!

    After those four National League games, Gorman Thomas was never the same, and neither were the Brewers, and come to think of it neither was I.

    Josh Wilker - Cardboard Gods
  • Hi Carol. Will you guys be at the upcoming (later in March) White Plains, NY show.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • I don't think so but you can always double check the show schedule on the site.
  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭

    Y'all need to do a Saturday/Sunday here in Dallas. We don't have good shows here, but you could pick a nice hotel and setup in one of their small (cheap) conference rooms. You would do pretty good in sales, especially if you could bring the encapsulation machine and at least one card grader and one autograph authenticator. Don't know how much in expenses y'all incur for something like that, but I do know James Spence always seems to do really well when he comes down to Dallas to Beckett Media. I go everytime he's here and it's constantly busy. We have a decent base of collectors here that would like your service down here. Would give us an option instead of Spence/Beckett everytime.

    Heck, "thenavarro" would probably even feed y'all dinner one night at one of our local establishments if y'all were game.

    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • For card grading it's more involved than just bringing a machine and a grader. There is a lot of support staff that needs to come along with them.
    There are hobby shops that will invite our autograph authenticators down for a day (no encapsulation) so there is always a possibility.

    I don't see anything in the area but you never know. We did add just add some of these appearances in FL and OR.

  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭

    << <i>For card grading it's more involved than just bringing a machine and a grader. There is a lot of support staff that needs to come along with them.
    There are hobby shops that will invite our autograph authenticators down for a day (no encapsulation) so there is always a possibility.

    I don't see anything in the area but you never know. We did add just add some of these appearances in FL and OR.

    Carol >>

    What is the charge to bring the "autograph authenticators" down for a day? If I were to pay the fee for that, I assume I could then charge what I wanted for people to get their items authenticated, and then the risk of profit/loss would be on me?? How many autographs would y'all authenticate for the one fee and what happens if the authenticators that are sent don't have the expertise that some of your staff does and can't opine on a graph. Would I get a pro-rated credit or be allowed to ship that item back to headquarters with no cost authentication?

    Buying US Presidential autographs

  • If you are truly serious about doing something like this you should contact Roy Alcala at ralcala@collectors.com
  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If you are truly serious about doing something like this you should contact Roy Alcala at ralcala@collectors.com >>

    Will do, I think I'm more in the "exploratory stage" right now rather then the "serious" stage. But if the economics of the process were to make sense (meaning I turn a profit and get my stuff done) and it didn't involve a whole lot of my time, it mght be something I seriously look at for some date in the future.

    Roy has always been good at helping me so I'll drop him an email next week.


    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • I still want all your cards. Mine pretty much are lame.
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    careful Gooshy, that's one of our most treasured insane power-driven collector behemoths you're dissin'.

    besides, we all know ya can't cuddle up to PSA, they're stricter than nuns over there.
  • thunderdanthunderdan Posts: 3,036 ✭✭✭
    The Windy city will require a well-crafted jacket. Note to all attendees.

    Edited to add: I'm no brand snob, so I'll go ahead and recommend Members Only(TM) as the jacket of choice to insulate onesself against those buffeting Lake Michigan winds...

  • To the Top ??
  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Have re-read this and have decided to go back to the: yuck, what public suckeruppery and arrogance faillure. i dig the 'thenavarro' thing in the posts he does, as the cards he has farrrrrrrrrrrrrr surpasses my stuff. but ugh.. referring to oneself in third tense was played out in the 80's.

    Yes, I am challanging Mike Navarro to come through with this 'pay for the autograph people to come down' and such. THEN take all the PSA people to dinner. 'thenavarro' also mentioned James Spence, who I am sure will come to the dinner.

    Mike, PSA locked this thread at the top , so you should actually reply here.

    Cool cards you got. Can I have some of them ? I promise to have Jose Canseco meet you at the corner of 75 case and PSA10Mantle.

    escuse Itzagoner. gotta call out the folk. >>

    Sorry to disappoint you gOOSHa, but "thenavarro" is not taking the bait.

    Have a good night,

    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • What just happened?
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