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Has PSA rec'd my submission?

It's been awhile since I've submitted anything myself - will the history on the account show when they receive and are working on the submission? Or only when it's been completed and mailed back?

I've tried searching for the submission number from my account status screen but it just comes up with an error.



  • kwtozkwtoz Posts: 352 ✭✭
    Use http://www.psacard.com/Membership.. The search you are talking about has never worked for me either.
    Kevin Thomas
  • jersterjerster Posts: 828 ✭✭✭
    Yep...that's the one I used.

    "Order Detail
    Submission # xxxxxxxx was not found.
    It may belong to a different account.
    Use the <Back> button to see your orders."
  • How long ago was it delivered? They may have not logged it in yet.

    The submission # lookup worked for me a couple weeks ago on a PSA/DNA submission that wasn't showing up in the system, even after they had charged my credit card for it. I'm not sure about using it for PSA submissions.
  • lbcoach20lbcoach20 Posts: 883 ✭✭✭
    Call them and give a del. conf. # or ins. # and they will tell you if they have it. They scan those when they receive each order even if the cards aren't logged in yet.
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