victoria medal 1897

Victoria medal 60th anniversary - 95 gram - diameter 76mm - AUNC - tin ?
I like this medal because on the back all the colonies in 1897 of the british empire are mentioned in little cartouches.
I can buy it, but both the seller and me have no clue about the value.
any ballpark estimate ?
Thank you
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Sorry, no idea on value. I wish I had a reference for those sort of medals. I know a lot of medals were issued during the Jubilee, but I haven't seen any of this detail. Maybe $100-200?
BHM 3511 Eimer 1816
Rarity "Rare"
Silver 107 gms by F. Bowcher
55 Shield back, Spinks manufacture and distributor.
British Historical medals by L.Brown
My Medal
Quality Pieces are in the $200+ range for the silver. Less for the White Metal and bronze
It comes in Gold Silver Bronze and White metal , Oxidized and Gilt.
White Metal is a base alloy containing high proportions of Tin and Pewter.
If that is a white metal piece , considered Rarity" Common" $80-110 Good luck, hope this helps.
its made of white metal , so I'll go with the estimate of theboz of $80-$110