in Sports Talk
! st. Boston
2 nd. Baltimore
3 rd. Toronto
4 th. Tampa Bay
5 th. New York
<< <i>The OP is obviously a Boston fan that hates the Yankees and has no common sense!
IN all seriousness, I have found over the years that 75% of all Yankees fans consider ANY criticism of them being anything but a lock as biased BS. I have some good friends who are Yankees fans, but they have by far the largest % of fans who can't stomach any objective or contrary points of view. Of course, if my team had one that much for that long, I might feel that way too. In fact, I used to feel that way about my Cowboys, but that ship seems to have hit the reef and sunk with all hands lost.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
I have not seen anybody post anything different from my predictions yet.
if the O's had some starting pitching they would be dangerous
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<< <i>The OP is obviously a Boston fan that hates the Yankees and has no common sense!
IN all seriousness, I have found over the years that 75% of all Yankees fans consider ANY criticism of them being anything but a lock as biased BS. I have some good friends who are Yankees fans, but they have by far the largest % of fans who can't stomach any objective or contrary points of view. Of course, if my team had one that much for that long, I might feel that way too. In fact, I used to feel that way about my Cowboys, but that ship seems to have hit the reef and sunk with all hands lost.
bking, it's hard to take you seriously when you post that in a thread where the Yanks are projected to finish last. Are you really expecting them to have a well below sub .500 team this year? I for one do not consider them a lock and never have stated such. I am perfectly prepared for the possibility that they don't make the post season though it would surprise some if they didn't. >>
No, I expect them to fight it out for first, as I've said elsewhere. What have a I posted here or elsewhere that leads you to believe I expect them to be sub-.500? My point in posting that was that it seems to me that every single bit of contrarian opinion has been dismissed as "hating".
EDIT: To clarify a bit - I'm probably being a bit harsh in my tone, but these threads are going down the same path that it seems ALL Yankees threads do: some people blindly dismissing them, some folks pointing out legitimate weaknesses, and some folks calling both of the other groups mere "haters".
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
I don't hate the yankees, as a matter of fact, they were my favorite team growing up in the late 40's and 50's. I remember my father was a great red sox fan. He used to call Ted Williams" the splendid splinter".
Yankees 143-19
Rays 81-81
Blue Jays 60-102
Orioles 0-162
I always wondered where he got that nickname. That is pretty cool that it caught on.
<< <i>I remember my father was a great red sox fan. He used to call Ted Williams" the splendid splinter". >>
I always wondered where he got that nickname. That is pretty cool that it caught on. >>
I don't remember where it came from but I remember teasing my father and calling him" the splendid spitter" instead of the splendid splinter.
Red Sox
Blue Jays
Don't get too excited yet!
<< <i>I just want to mention that as of right now, my prediction is spot on. >>
If you feel comfortable with your prediction, I'm willing to wager with you. $100 PSA gift certificate, to be purchased the day after the 2011 regular season for the winner by the other. If your prediction of:
1 - Yankees
2 - Rays
3 - Orioles
4 - Jays
5 - Sox
ends up being the standings in the AL East, then I'll pay you $100 PSA gift certificate. If your prediction is not correct, then you pay me $100 PSA gift certificate.
That looks like a good bet on your part. Even yankee fans will have to agree with me on that.
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Let me understand this straight, you are proposing an even up bet on a matter that would have to be in your favor by a minimum of 100-1 odds if not much more. Do you also go around betting 6 year olds that you can knock them out in a boxing match too? And where did I ever say that I was "comfortable with (my) prediction"? >>
Depends how big the six year old is.
<< <i>How's this, I'll wager you something that the Rangers don't win the World Series this year??? >>
I'd be willing to make a two part bet. The bet I mentioned above, as well as another $100 gift certificate on the Rangers to win the Series. That way we both have long odds. I'll take the 1)2011 regular season ending AL East standings don't come out like you posted and I quoted in my original proposition, and I'll take 2) Rangers win the World Series in 2011.
You take 1) standings come out like I had listed in my original offer to bet, and 2) Any other team wins the World Series except the Rangers.
$100 PSA gift certificate on each proposition, payable after both items have wrapped up.
Odds are we finish even, but perhaps not and maybe one of us will win $200 in PSA money. I toss $100 down the toilet every year on the Rangers anyway in Vegas, so it would be kind of fun to have something here as well.
<< <i>Boy, you really try to angle things in your favor don't you? Well, not everyone is about fair play so whatever. In any event, a simple "no bet" would have sufficed. >>
I'm a little slow in my comprehension of "so whatever". Does that mean we have action or not?
<< <i>I don't submit cards so there is no "action" for me in taking such bets. How's this one, if the Rangers win World Series, I'll stop posting on the entire Collectors Universe site. If they don't, you just stop posting in 'Sports Talk'. >>
No bet. I have no desire to see you stop posting nor do I have any desire to stop myself so that doesn't interest me. That has a spirit of ill will in it that I have no interest in
How about this? I haven't followed your postings to see if you are a Yankees fan or whether you just happen to like their logo for your avatar. But if you are a fan of them Ill make you a fair proposition. You pick one RangersYankees game against each other yet to be played on the 2011 schedule and Ill pick one as well. We will both post our choice tonight in this thread. If the Yanks win them both then Ill donate $100 to the charity of your choice. If the Rangers win them both then you'll donate $100 to the Ellis County Childrens Advocacy Center here in my hometown.
Do we have a bet?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Fine, in that case I'll make you the exact same bet he made me. Fair?
I don't wager with Yankee fans, but thanks anyway..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>
Well quite frankly, your original proposition (which came out of totally nowhere) had nothing but "ill will" in it that ANYONE would have "no interest in". >>
Nah, wasn't ill will, just seeing if you had any interest in backing up your "prediction" in an admittedly very one sided bet. There are a TON of people on the web that will let their pride get in the way and they'll "bet" a losing proposition to back up a nonsensical position. You were not one of them, so no action to be had. I'm not one either, so of course I said no to your followup.
Now back to my regularly scheduled program.
<< <i>For the record, my original "prediction" was made in jest in response to the OP's original "prediction" that the Yanks would finish in last. No one in their right mind should seriously think that either team is going to finish last in the AL East. >>
I know, that's why I called it a nonsensical position, and was baiting to see if you had the willingness to "egg on" the Red Sox fans by making a poor bet, but you didn't.
I was trying to egg on Yankees fans too. The correct listing should be
1. Red Sox
2. Orioles (Wild Card)
3. Rays
4. Red Sox
5. Blue Jays
Mark it Dude...
Looks like your wishful dreams to me. If you bet on that I wish you luck because you are going to be out $100.
1) Yankees
2) Red Sox
3) Orioles
4) Rays
5) Jays
1) Rangers
2) Halos
3) Athletics
4) Mariners
No opinion
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<< <i>Maybe this division should be referred to as the AL "Least" - only one team playing over .500 ball right now. >>
The mere inclusion of the Yankees should be enough to refer to it as the AL "Beast". >>
I would give almost anything to see the Phillies kick some Yankees arse in this years World until then, I wouldn't mind one bit seeing the Yankees win the AL Pennant. So I'm wishing your team good luck...that is until they meet my Phillies in the WS.
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<< <i>Maybe this division should be referred to as the AL "Least" - only one team playing over .500 ball right now. >>
The mere inclusion of the Yankees should be enough to refer to it as the AL "Beast". >>
I would give almost anything to see the Phillies kick some Yankees arse in this years World until then, I wouldn't mind one bit seeing the Yankees win the AL Pennant. So I'm wishing your team good luck...that is until they meet my Phillies in the WS.
You do recall the last time you had this very same wish? >>
That World Series just didn't setup right for a Phillies win. Phillies had just won the past season and lacked some of that same spark, hunger, motivation...whatever it's called. The Yankees were playing out of their minds all season and were on a mission that season and they achieved it....besides, the Yankees were the better team that season.
Not so this year...the Phillies are the better team and nobody, and I mean nobody is gonna push the Phillies around this season...nobody!
<< <i>The Phillies do have a slightly above mediocre starting rotation so I'll give them that. But the Bronx Bombers will rain long balls all over New York and Philly. Cliff Lee will rue the day he decided not to sign with the Yankees. >>
How's this for a prediction...Phillies get into this year's WS against the Yankees, and a Phillies pitcher will throw a perfect game...joining Don Larsen.
Mark this post for posterity...but only if the perfect game occurs. LOL
<< <i>The Phillies do have a slightly above mediocre starting rotation so I'll give them that. But the Bronx Bombers will rain long balls all over New York and Philly. Cliff Lee will rue the day he decided not to sign with the Yankees. >>
It'll be long high fly balls in the infield.
wow, World Series smack already? I hope I'm not jinxing it. LOL