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Roman Imperial Rulers, chronological index- working draft

lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
1. Augustus, 41 BC-14 AD. Known as "Octavian" until 27 BC.
2. - Livia, died AD 29. Wife of Augustus, mother of Tiberius
3. - Marcellus, nephew of Augustus
4. - Quinctilius Varus, general of Augustus
5. - Libo, Praefect under Augustus in Spain
6. - Fabius Maximus, proconsul in Asia in 10/9 BC
7. - Asinius Gallus, friend of Augustus, Governor of Syria 6-5 BC
8. - Marcus Agrippa, died 12 BC. Friend and son-in-law of Augustus
9. - Julia, daughter of Augustus and wife of Agrippa
10. - - Caius and Lucius, sons of Agrippa and Julia
11. - - Agrippa Postumus, son of Agrippa and Julia
12. Tiberius, AD 14-37
13. - Sejanus, Prefect of Tiberius
14. - Nero Claudius Drusus, brother of Tiberius
15. - - Antonia, daughter of Marc Antony, wife of Nero Claudius Drusus, mother of Claudius
16. - - Germanicus, died AD 19, son of Antonia and Nero Claudius Drusus, adopted by Tiberius
17. - - - Agrippina Senior, 1st wife of Germanicus
18. - Drusus, son of Tiberius and Vispania
19. - - Tiberius Gemellus and Germanicus Junior, twin sons of Drusus.
20. Gaius (Caligula), 37-41
21. - Caesonia, 4th wife of Caligula
22. Claudius, 41-54
23. - Valeria Messalina, first wife of Claudius.
24. - - Britannicus, son of Claudius and Messalina
25. - - Octavia, daughter of Claudius and Messalina, and first wife of Nero
26. - Agrippina the Younger, 2nd wife of Claudius, mother of Nero
27. Nero, 54-68
28. - Poppaea Sabina, 2nd wife of Nero
29. - - Claudia, daughter of Nero and Poppaea
30. - Statilia Messalina, 3rd wife of Nero
31. Clodius Macer, rebel governor who refused to acknowlege Galba
32. Vindix, rebel in 68 AD
33. Anonymous Coinage of the Civil Wars 69-70AD
34. Galba, 68-69
35. Otho, 69AD
36. Vitellius, 69AD
37. - Julius Civilis, rebel in 69-70AD
38. Vespasian, 69-79
39. - Domitilla the Elder, wife of Vespasian, mother of Titus & Domitian
40. - - Domitilla the Younger, daughter of Vespasian
41. Titus, 79-81
42. Domitian, 81-96
43. - Julia Titi, daughter of Titus, mistress of Domitian
44. - Domitia, wife of Domitian
45. Vespasian Jr., adopted heir of Domitian
46. Nerva, 96-98
47. Trajan, 98-117
48. - Plotina, wife of Trajan
49. - Marciana, sister of Trajan
50. - - Matidia, daughter of Marciana, mother-in-law of Hadrian
51. Hadrian, 117-138
52. - Sabina, wife of Hadrian
53. - Antinous, favorite of Hadrian
54. Lucius Aelius, Caesar under Hadrian, 136-138
55. Antoninus Pius, 138-161
56. - Faustina the Elder, wife of Antoninus Pius
57. - - Galerius Antoninus, son of Antoninus Pius and Faustina Sr.
58. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180
59. - Domitia Lucilla, mother of Marcus Aurelius
60. - Faustina the Younger, wife of Marcus Aurelius
61. - - Aurelius Antoninus, son of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Jr.
62. Lucius Verus, 161-166
63. - Lucilla wife of Verus, daughter of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Jr.
64. Commodus, 180-192
65. - Crispina, wife of Commodus
66. Pertinax, 192-193
67. - Titania, wife of Pertinax
68. - - Pertinax Jr, Caesar, son of Pertinax and Titania
69. Didius Julianus, 193
70. - Manlia Scantilla, wife of Didius Julianus
71. - - Didia Clara, daughter of Didius Julianus and Manlia Scantilla
72. Pescennius Niger, 193-194
73. Clodius Albinus, 193-197
74. Septimius Severus, 193-210
75. - Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus
76. Caracalla, 211-217
77. - Plautilla, wife of Caracalla
78. Geta, 211-212
79. Macrinus, 217-218
80. Diadumenian, 218
81. Elagabalus, 218-222
82. - Julia Maesa, grandmother of Elagabalus, sister of Julia Domna
83. - Julia Soaemias, mother of Elagabalus
84. - Julia Paula, 1st wife of Elagabalus
85. - Julia Aquilia Severa, 2nd wife of Elagabalus
86. - Annia Faustina, 3rd wife of Elagabalus
87. Severus Alexander, 222-235
88. - Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander
89. - Orbiana, wife of Severus Alexander
90. Maximinus Thrax, 235-238
91. - Caecilia Paulina, wife of Maximinus Thrax
92. Maximus Caesar, 235-238, son of Maximinus Thrax
93. Gordian I Africanus, 238AD
94. Gordian II, 238AD
95. Balbinus, 238AD
96. Pupienus, 238AD
97. Gordian III, 238-244
98. - Tranquillina, wife of Gordian III
99. Philip I (the Arab), 244-249
100. - Julius Marinus, father of Philip I
101. - Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I
102. Philip II, 247-249
103. - Marinus Pacatianus, pretender under Philip I
104. - Iotapianus or Jotapian, pretender under Philip I
105. - Sponsianus, pretender under Philip I
106. Trajan Decius, 249-251
107. - Herennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius
108. Herennius Etruscus, 251, son of Trajan Decius
109. Hostilian, 251, son of Trajan Decius
110. Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253
111. Volusian 251-253, son of Trebonianus Gallus
112. Aemilian, 253 AD
113. - Cornelia Supera, wife of Aemelian
114. Uranius Antoninus, 253-254, (ruled in Syria)
115. Valerian I, 253-260
116. - Mariniana, wife of Valerian
117. Gallienus, 253-268
118. - Salonina, wife of Gallienus
119. Valerian II, 256-258
120. Saloninus, 259
121. Macrianus "II", 260-261, pretender under Gallienus
122. Quietus, 260-261, pretender under Gallienus
123. Regalianus, 260-262, pretender under Gallienus
124. - Dryantilla, wife of Regalianus
125. Postumus, Gallo Roman Emperor, 260-269
126. - Aureolus, rebel under Postumus
127. Laelianus, rebel under Postumus, 269
128. Marius, Gallo Roman Emperor, 269
129. Victorinus, Gallo Roman Emperor, 269-270
130. Domitianus, Gallo Roman Pretender, 271
131. Tetricus I, Gallo Roman Emperor, 271-274
132. Tetricus II, Gallo Roman Emperor, 273-274
133. Claudius II, Gothicus 268-270
134. - Quintillus, pretender under Claudius II
135. Aurelian, 270-275
136. - Severina, wife of Aurelian
137. Zenobia 267-272, (ruler of Palmyra)
138. Vabalathus, 272, (aka Athenodorus)
139. Tacitus, 275-276
140. Florianus, 276
141. Probus, 276-282
142. - Saturninus, rebel under Probus
143. - Bonosus, rebel under Probus
144. - Proculus, rebel under Probus
145. Carus, 282-283
146. Numerian, 283-284
147. Carinus, 283-285
148. - Magnia Urbica, wife of Carinus
149. - - Nigrinianus, son of Carinus
150. Julian of Pannonia, 284-285
151. Diocletian, 284-305
152. Maximianus Herculius, 285-310
153. - Amandus, rebel under Maximianus, 286
154. Carausius, 286-293 (Empire in Britain)
155. Allectus, 293-297
156. Constantius I Chlorus, 293-306
157. - Helena, wife of Constantius Chlorus and mother of Constantine I
158. - Theodora, daughter of Maximian, 2nd wife of Constantius Chlorus
159. Galerius, 293-311
160. - Galeria Valeria, wife of Galerius
161. L. Domitius Domitianus, 296-297, usurper in Egypt
162. Severus II, 305-307
163. Maximinus Daia, 305-313
164. Maxentius, 306-312
165. - Romulus, son of Maxentius, d.309
166. - Alexander of Carthage (L Domitius Alexander), 308-311, usurper under Maxentius in Africa
167. Licinius I, 308-324
168. - Constantia, wife of Licinius I, mother of Licinius II, sister of Constantine I
169. Licinius II, Caesar 317-324
170. Martinian, 324 AD
171. Constantine I - The Great, 307-337
172. - Urbs Roma & Constantinopolis Commemoratives, 330-346 AD.
173. Crispus, Caesar, 317-326
174. - Fausta, 2nd wife of Constantine I, mother of Constans, Constantine II, & Constantius II
175. Delmatius, grandson of Constantius I Chlorus and Theodora, Caesar 335-337
176. Hanniballianus, grandson of Constantius I Chlorus & Theodora, Nobillisimus and Rex Regum 335-337
177. Constantine II, 337-340
178. Constans, 337-350
179. Constantius II, 337-361
180. Nepotian, Nephew of Constantine the Great, June 3-30, 350 AD.
181. Vetranio, 350
182. Magnentius, 350-353
183. Decentius, Caesar 351-353
184. Constantius Gallus, Caesar 351-354
185. Julian II, 360-363, "The Apostate" or "The Philosopher"
186. Jovian, 363-364
187. Valentinian I, 364-375
188. Valens, 364-378
189. Procopius, 365-366
190. Gratian, 367-383
191. Valentinian II, 375-392
192. Theodosius I, 378-395
193. - Aelia Flaccilla, wife of Theodosius I
194. - Magnus Maximus, pretender under Theodosius I
195. - Flavius Victor, pretender under Theodosius I
196. - Eugenius, pretender under Theodosius I
197. Arcadius, 383-408
198. - Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius
199. - - Pulcheria, daughter of Arcadius and Eudoxia
200. Honorius, 393-423
201. Theodosius II, 402-450
202. - Aelia Eudocia, wife of Theodosius II
203. Constantine III, 407-411, usurper under Honorius
204. Maximus of Spain, rebel against Constantine III, 410-411
205. Priscus Attalus, 409-410 and 414-415, puppet emperor of Alaric
206. Jovinus, 411-413, usurper in Gaul
207. Sebastianus, 412-413, brother of Jovinus
208. Constantius III, 421
209. - Galla Placidia, daughter of Theodosius I, half-sister of Honorius and wife of Constantius III
210. Johannes, aka John, 423-425
211. Valentinian III, 425-455
212. - Licinia Eudoxia, daughter of Theodosius II and wife of Valentinian III
213. - Justa Grata Honoria, daughter of Constantius III and Galla Placidia, sister of Valentinian III
214. Marcian, 450-457
215. - Pulcheria, daughter of Arcadius and wife of Marcian
216. Petronius Maximus, 455
217. Avitus, 455-456
218. Leo I, 457-474
219. - Aelia Verina, wife of Leo I
220. Leo II, 473-474
221. Majorian, 457-461
222. Libius Severus III, 461-465
223. Anthemius, 467-472
224. - Aelia Euphemia, daughter of Marcian and wife of Anthemius
225. - - Alypia, daughter of Anthemius and Euphemia
226. Patricius, Caesar from 470-471
227. Ricimer, Master of Soldiers from 456-472
228. Olybrius, 472
229. Glycerius, 473-474
230. Gundobad, Master of Soldiers from 472-474
231. Julius Nepos, 474-475
232. Zeno the Isaurian, 474-491
233. - Ariadne, daughter of Leo I and Verina, wife of Zeno
234. - Basiliscus, usuper under Zeno in 475-476
235. - - Zenonis, wife of Basiliscus
236. - Marcus, co-augustus with his father Basiliscus
237. - Leontius, usurper under Zeno, 484-488
238. Romulus Augustus, final emperor of the Western Empire. 475-476

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  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sorry it's been so long since there was a "Digs O' The Day" installment. I've been slack in both my digging and my writeups about the few outings I did make.

    Around Thanksgiving (2010) I did get out once or twice. I found that Machen Square, one of the small squares in Downtown Brunswick, had been torn up for relandscaping, and any time there's "naked dirt" in the older part of town, my antennae begin twitching! I had dug there back in the mid-1990s and found a war nickel and a few other old coins. So one fine fall morning last November, I went out and slogged through the plowed-up park.

    Below is a picture taken in February of 2011, showing the progress on a new fountain they're installing. (As of now, August, it's pretty much finished). Note the interesting "cat face" stone capital- they took some of these old carvings from an old Victorian building and are reusing them as part of the new fountain.







    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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