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Anyone buy any 2011 topps yet?

I was at Walmart yesterday and picked up a few packs. i have to say that i really like the design. i think it is one if the nicer looking designs in the past many years (since 2007 at least). I got nothing good in any of the packs but did pick up a few Yankees for my team set collection.
Collecting Yankees and vintage Star Wars


  • NA here yet
    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
  • i posted a few on your other thread,, no response,, as usual, just smart alec response,, i like them as well,,,j
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Gonna try to find a box or 2 today at lunch. I like the looks of them too this year

  • What/who would be some good pulls for 2011. I will be getting some boxes as well. I am just starting to get back into the card collecting world with my son. Just wondering what to look for. Cards these days aren't like they were in the late 80's. there are way to many sets, series, patches, game used etc.

    Who should I look for.

    Thanks for any input.

  • bkingbking Posts: 3,095 ✭✭
    I admit a fairly large distaste for most parallel sets, but OMG those diamond inserts look awful to me.
    Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989

    Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
  • looks like hes throwing a diamond,, cool,j
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Picked up 2 habby boxes and a jumbo pack at lunch today.

    I'll best them in about 5 hours when I get home and try to scan some hits

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Huge hit - for me anyway

    About 10 packs into box #1

    redemption - 60th Anniversary Reprint Autograph - Yogi Berra


    been so long since I've had a good pull I forgot what it's like

    Love these cards so far. The insert minis and T206 are very nice

    I'll get some scans up when I finish the box - but i'm sorting each pack so it might be a while

  • Diamond SSP

    Roy Halladay ball in hand.
    Jeremy Hellickson Sunburst in Rays jersey logo.
    Alex Rios belt buckle.
    Ichiro wrist band.
    Kyle Drabek chest above logo on Jersey.
    Mariano Rivera on webbing of catchers glove.
    Miguel Cabrera: sunglasses
    Derek Jeter: left elbow
    Brent Morel: left earflap of helmet

    maybe more..

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    just looked at the wrapper for the odds of that auto

    LOL 1:14,750

    think I better just quit now

  • nice pull zep, rip away,,bj
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    finally got through the first box

    obviously very happy. bit better than a case hit as 14,750 packs is 34 cases image

    no dupes, 9 diamond parallels, 4 gold, 6 code cards

    the minis and old time reprints are printed on the old style of cardboard. Me likes that.


    the diamond cards look much better in person than they scan. with 9 in a box, it looks like a doable set. All mine were sideways cards though. Hope they did the whole set in this style and not just the sideways cards.

  • Cool, a reprint of a Yogi Berra autographimage
  • jlzinckjlzinck Posts: 907 ✭✭
    Nice Mike! Get those from Tom's? If so I'll avoid those like the plague!!
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    yup came from Tom's

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    box 2 and the jumbo pack

    the auto came from the jumbo pack. looks like this year's manufactured cards are glove pieces.

    2 different strasburg base cards? #10 and #183


  • WaltWalt Posts: 1,275 ✭✭✭
    what no King George the 3rd cut auto?

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I have a little back story on this pull if anyone's interested - if you believe in kharma:

    Last Thursday, shortly after getting to work, I was in the business office of our dealership talking to our secretary/cashier/warranty clerk. About 2 minutes in to our talk, she let out a scream. "My diamond is gone!!"
    Her diamond had fallen out of her wedding ring. 1/4 carat. We were in the middle of one our weekly snowstorms as well. About 5 or 6 of us crawled all over the office looking for it for about 30 minutes. Checked everywhere she had been. Out in the shop by the time clock, her purse, everywhere. Of course there was ice melt / salt all over the floors too so there were a million little pieces that looked diamondish.

    She had parked her car near one of the front doors while they were plowing and it had already been moved once when I went out to check the floor of her vehicle. and the ground around it. No one found anything. She was in tears but kept saying don't worry about it, it's gone but no one wanted to give up. She swore she had had noticed it still on her ring on her drive in.

    About 2 hours later, I went in to the office to see if there had been any luck. Nope. I walked outside again where her car had been first parked. There were no cars there at that point and the ground had been plowed. leaving a combination of ice chunks and black top. I looked around for a few minutes while the salespeople were laughing at me from inside for bothering. I gave up, went over to the door, opened it to come inside and while holding the door open, I took one look around the doorway outside. Looked down and saw a little sparkle. More salt? But it was round. I bent over to pick it up and it was the diamond. Smaller then the tip of a pen cap. It was laying outside on some white paint that surrounds the showroom about 3 feet wide. I peed myself a little, and brought it into the office - "Put your hand out" I said. " Got something for you" She freaked out, tears poured out. I was the hero of the day/week/month image

    Later on in the day, she told me I should buy a lottery ticket. I was broke being Thursday. So Friday morning, I blew $60 on scratch tickets on the way to work. I hit $200 on 1 of them. I cashed it in on the way home Friday. Took $100 cash and spent another $100 on tickets. Hit $200 again. Over the weekend, using nothing but the winnings, I ended up winning $100 twice and $50 twice. It paid for all my groceries, meals, smokes, everything I bought came from the winnings until. I cashed the $200 on Tuesday and deposited it in the bank. I used the money from that to buy those 2 boxes of Topps DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY cards yesterday LOL

    sorry for the long read but figured someone might get a kick out of it. I know it's still freaking me out.
  • kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
    So, Mike, you're a good samaritan as well as being a lucky SOB?

    Nice stuff!
  • EAsportsEAsports Posts: 1,566 ✭✭✭
    Great story.

    My wife lost the center stone out of her ring last year, in a parking lot on a rainy day, and the grocery cart rounder upper guy found it for her.
    My LSU Autographs

    Only an idiot would have a message board signature.
  • That is just an Awesome story!!! Good things do happen to the good guys once an awhile.

    Fantastic Pull!!

    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • I just wanted to let you know I love your signature!! My wife gets my 3 kids laughing in hysterics imitating that commercial!
    Miconelegacy Auctions
    "Live everyday, don't throw it away"
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    bought anoher hobby box and a jumbo box at lunch today from a different store - ripping in about 2 hours image

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    back to reality I guess:

    hobby box - Lou Marson auto, Roy Campanella variation

    jumbo box - Jeff Francis auto, another Trevor Cahil manufactured glove relic, and a Mariano Rivera jersey card

    still haven't seen one of those diamond variations
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I rarely bust modern but the urge hit me and I bought a Wal-Mart blaster. Nothing special but it was actually a kind of fun rip. If anybody wants the entire contents of the blaster they can have it for $10 dlvd. Here are the highlights:


    Each blaster has a throwback patch card, mine was King Felix. The black cards I believe are a Wal-Mart only insert.
  • jlzinckjlzinck Posts: 907 ✭✭
    Seeing Mike got th eonly good hit at our local store I gought the 2 middle Jumbos from a fresh.

    Drew Storen Auto redemption
    Carlos Marmol (spelling) Jersey
    2 diamond codes

    Also the store owner opened up the info packet supplied by Topps. They send 10-20 code cards (for customers I assume) inside a black felt type material bag. They also indluded 50 or so "Diamonds" in the bag. He's gonna give them to the Mrs for Valentines day
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    last year he split up the code cards and gave everyone there 7 or 8
  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice story. I'd dump the smokes though, I heard somewhere that stuff is bad for your health...image I wonder with your karma thing going, how many more tix you might have gotten with the smokes money, you may have missed the granddaddy jumbo winner.

    Back in the day, I used to puff more than 3 packs of Lucky Strikes a DAY. Not filters, the high test crap. There were times when I switched between Camels and Luckies, but I'm sure you get the idea. The very day I got home from Vietnam, I went cold turkey and never looked back, and that was more than 30 years ago. I remember well those freezing days in New England when the cigarette would stick to my lips as I went to pull the ciagrette out of my mouth...fingers slide forward to the fire...ouch.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    can you come over to our house please?

    my wife lost a diamond earring somewhere in here a couple of weeks ago. She hasn't given up on it yet obviously....she was sifting through the sweepings in the Dyson the other day. LOL
  • Nascar360Nascar360 Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭
    Saw on Stale Gum that the Topps issue will be heavily printed this year. Mentioned the ratio of Gold cards to a pack compared to last year was must larger. So that means more packs to get a Gold card. That number should go down since there are more gold cards than last year if they print the same amount. Just my 2 cents.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    bought 3 more hobby boxes yesterday. Just ripped them this morning

    Pretty disappointing for the first 2 boxes but the Boggs is a nice add to my Red Sox collection:


    2 packs left in box 3 and this popped out: image

  • That was one heck of a last two packs image
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Of course now I can't stop so I picked up a jumbo box and 3 loose jumbo packs this morning

    saving the box for later but the 3 packs were screaming at me.

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    Mike (and everyone else), be on the lookout for the so-called "sparkle" variations. There's a partial list being gathered over on FCB. People aren't sure these are SSPs or not, since so many seem to be showing up. It's said that they fall one per case, but who knows? Nobody is sure if it's select players, or if every card from series 1 has a sparkle variation.

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I've been looking for those but haven't seen one yet. Hope I've missed them and come across them later if I ever decide to sort my dupes.

    At least there's a reason to sort them this year LOL

    thanks for the heads up

  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I was told at the shop this morning that card # 60 of the reprint set is Freddy Freeman. That would be the 2011 one. Last one I've pulled is 2010 Pujols (card # 59) and I got that as an original back (with a reprint stamp on bottom of the back) and the regular brown backed version.

    I now wonder if the Freddy Freeman card will be inserted as an original back as well with "reprint" on the back. Would seem strange since that would be the only difference between his regular card and the insert.

    Like the 2010 Pujols card, it would make sense to be rarer than the regular one found in packs and easily missed.
  • VitoCo1972VitoCo1972 Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭
    Great story about the diamond Mike, but you probably could have had 2 full cases if you just pawned it in the first place. What's wrong with you???

  • I haven't been collecting or visiting this site for a couple of years.
    But I'd like to trade with anyone for 2011 Topps Ryan Kalish cards. (he's my nephew)
    I have some Vintage commons (57, 58, etc.) and a lot of Topps Heritage (2004-2007).
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I'll be happy to send you a couple of them - just PM me your address

    I was at his debut Red Sox game last year


    After his first at bat (first base coach his his first hit ball in his left hand):


    2nd at bat (I think):


  • http://www.sportscardradio.com/index.php/product-previews-a-reviews/740-2011-topps-series-1-baseball-box-complete-set-checklist

    Gents, does the link above provide an all encompassing list of the variations and such in 2011 Topps ? If any list out there better, please let me know.

    I just did a Walmart purchase of '2011' Topps boxes. This is fun. More variety with the new stuff then any vintage collector has ever experienced. To each their own. but vintage collecting was boring. Tried it. Same boring cards. And stupidly expensive. Time to have fun ! I wants me a sparkle variation in this next box !! No joke for any old schoolers out there. Buy a new box, this is actually fun.

  • even better, thank you.

  • From a pack of cards, getting a Stan Musial card. a brand new shiny Stan card, wow, takes me back. Topps 2011 #100 is it,

    The ugly: The next card was a Papelbon card. That is the dude that 'danced' in his 'gheyway undies' correct ? Ruining the Red Sox chances for another hundred years ? ohhh.. sick. I did not expect this ' reminder' of tht visual. My fault. ohhh.. that little beotch dancing. ugh. talk about bringing down baseball.
  • It anyone gets any of the Legends Variations please pm me.
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Forced myself to sort all my cards last night before opening the jumbo. No more variations so far image

    busted the jumbo this morning. Extra hit and and HOF auto - can't complain


  • Wow you are on a roll Zep!
  • heritageheritage Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭
    God Mike your on a Roll buddy! NOW QUICK what are the lottery numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!! PM ME!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Bearkat21Bearkat21 Posts: 276 ✭✭✭✭
    Love the Kaline. I might have to go pick up a few of these now. I usually just buy a complete set for my son each year. I am kind of liking what I see.

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