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Franklin specialist... DDR question

WindycityWindycity Posts: 3,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have been looking through a roll a 1948-D Franklins and have a number of DDR... motto quite noticibly doubled. How common is this coin? Also found one 1948 DDR, again quite dramatic. Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • PawPaulPawPaul Posts: 5,845
    ...you could ask Bushmaster or Franklinluvr , I have no idea about that aspect of Franklins
  • BaronVonBaughBaronVonBaugh Posts: 1,837 ✭✭✭✭
    Cherrypickers' Guide lists one and mentions others that are less noticeable.
  • Harry779Harry779 Posts: 902 ✭✭
    48-D CONECA listings show 4 DDR coins listed.

    "Medium spread Northwest E PLURIBUS UNUM, UNITED, HALF DOLLAR, dots, and right of bell clapper"

    all 4 of these DDR coins are described exactly the same way,so i dont know what the difference is between them.
    You can download a .DOC here:
    http://www.varietyvista.com/CONECA Master Listings.htm

    I have a 48-P with doubling ONLY in the motto,which i believe to be DDR#5 but i have not sent it in yet to attribute.
    I do not see a CONECA listing for your coin,as you say,with doubling ONLY in the motto.Are you sure there is no other doubling as described in the CONECA listings?

    pictures would be nice.
  • WindycityWindycity Posts: 3,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the Coneca list... I am a member and like the resource but sure wish they had images like VAMWorld has. I am a visual learner. Here are images... the first is the reverse of the 1948 Franklin DDR, the second set are the obverse and reverse of the 1948-D Franklin. For the 1948-D both the obverse and reverse are doubled. Both coins show doubling on more than just the motto on the reverse... but harder to capture in a picture. Sorry for the odd angle of the photos but I was trying to get the best light to show the DDR.


    <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.mullencoins.com">Mullen Coins Website - Windycity Coin website
  • Harry779Harry779 Posts: 902 ✭✭
    "Both coins show doubling on more than just the motto on the reverse"

    the 48-P i have has doubling ONLY on the motto,so i was able to figure that it is DDR#5 and i have been told its very scarce.

    since your 48-P has doubling on more than just the motto,then it is DDR#1 or 2 or 3 or 4.
    you will probably have to send it to james wiles for attribution.

    the 48-D has 4 different DDR coins PAIRED with 4 different DDO's!
    without pictures there is no way to know which DDR/DDO combo you have.

    best to send them in to be sure....and i have no idea what the POP's would be for these different combo DDO/DDR coins.

  • They are not uncommon Blusterytown. PCGS would very likely give those both the FS#'s.

    In my experience with 48 P&D DDR's, PCGS is not greatly concerned about the attribution being accurate (the actual FS listings are for 1 specific die, but PCGS awards the FS# to at least 2 different dies for both the P & D) .

    If the spread is what they are looking for (and these two appear to be), you get the FS.

    You wouldn't want to send less than MS64FBL due to the $24 attribution fee. They are not as wildly popular as the bugs bunnys but they do bring a modest premium. You could check TT prices...
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  • cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,910 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They're nice DDR's, but don't command really high premiums. I sold an ANACS 63 a while back for less than $20... what Bushmaster said- not worth submitting in the lower grades.
    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
  • There's quite a few 1948-P&D DDRs misattributed by all the major TPGs. I had hoped the new CPG would list markers to try to prevent any more mistakes.

    The 1948 FS-801 (CONECA DDR-001) is scarcer and more dramatic than the similar DDRs.




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