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Question about an error

I have a 1914 S buffalo with an interesting planchet flaw...it looks like someone cut out a square near the date, depressed the area, and rotated the die inside of it. Do planchet flaws add value as an error coin?


  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,549 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It sounds like it might be struck through something that fell off a previously struck coin (that would account for the rotation). Picture, please.

    Value would depend on size and general "impressiveness". Errors on coins that have high value without the error can be sort of "white elephants", though, where they actually lower the salability. Non-error collectors don't want to pay extra for the error, and error collectors don't want to pay extra for the date...
  • it seems in the flaw it has the neck and feather again...image

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