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What do you think of the new 2011 Proof Sets?

jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,675 ✭✭✭✭✭
I had occasion to look at my new sets today. The Prez Dollars look great, nice engraving job. The ATB quarters are very scenic and have lots of interesting detail. The other 5 coins look very sharp - all of them have brilliant fields and frosted devices with no breaks...the new Sac Dollar Reverse is poignant, the snakeskin frost on every coin is very striking against the flawless fields.

I give them an "A".
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I knew it would happen.


  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good to hear. I am waiting until another week or so, to lump a bunch of stuff together to be cheap and save on postage.
    I will likely be one of the fools to buy a couple of the overpriced Silver proof sets (as I think mintage may be lower due to the price). Either way, I will keep the set going for my son and the extra for myself or my mom.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • ObiwancanoliObiwancanoli Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Good to hear. I am waiting until another week or so, to lump a bunch of stuff together to be cheap and save on postage.
    I will likely be one of the fools to buy a couple of the overpriced Silver proof sets (as I think mintage may be lower due to the price). Either way, I will keep the set going for my son and the extra for myself or my mom. >>

    I was thinking the same thing... good to know... gonna wait just a few days to do a larger order to save a bit...

    I was a bit miffed - still am - that the Mint raised the price of the ATB P&D rolls by $7 - more than 20%!!! I'll be buying less frm the Mint from now on... that's just plain gouging. They're just clad coins!

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  • << <i>

    I was a bit miffed - still am - that the Mint raised the price of the ATB P&D rolls by $7 - more than 20%!!! I'll be buying less frm the Mint from now on... that's just plain gouging. They're just clad coins! >>


    I'm sitting out for now. Maybe the ATB-only proof set later.

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