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coin auction sunday

in bristol ct, tims auction farmington ave, preview at 9a.m auction at 1 pm if your in the area,,, allso at auction zip .com


  • Thanks for the spam, stay tuned for newly developing!

  • << <i>in bristol ct, tims auction farmington ave, preview at 9a.m auction at 1 pm if your in the area,,, allso at auction zip .com >>

    Are you affilliated with any of the above?
    If so not cool!!
    BST Transactions: DonnyJf, MrOrganic, Justanothercoinaddict, Fivecents, Slq, Jdimmick,
    Robb, Tee135, Ibzman350, Mercfan, Outhaul, Erickso1, Cugamongacoins, Indiananationals, Wayne Herndon

    Negative BST Transactions:
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,104 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i can go to next town from me and do that. why go to bristol, ct?

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