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BST Scumbag Alert!!!



  • drfishdrfish Posts: 940 ✭✭✭✭
    I saw on the BST that the OP paid $980 gift PP for the coin-I would not go the gift route on my $1000 offer but counter offered $1030 paid by regular PP for the coin and the guy disappeared - so looks like it is definitely a rip off
  • I've seen that more BST sellers are only accepting paypal through the gift option. I've also been seeing a lot more threads recently about people paying for stuff and not getting it. Coincidence?
  • SamByrdSamByrd Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I've seen that more BST sellers are only accepting paypal through the gift option. I've also been seeing a lot more threads recently about people paying for stuff and not getting it. Coincidence? >>

    There is a very small instance of bad transactions here on the BST Tiny in fact. Most sellers state there terms and also are happy to provide references. There is also a search function so one can see what they have sold in the past. Post count and amount of time here are also factors. I have had more then a hundred transactions as a buyer here on the BST with no issues. I have had several as a seller as well. Point is we are able to take precautions in some ways as a buyer. I can use regular pay pal if I pay the 3% for example as a buyer. I hope it works out for the OP it is real unfortunate what seems to of happened.
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    I've purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars++++ from the BST and have had maybe a handful of experiences that didn't work out 100%, and some of those may be attributed to my sometimes overly fun and frolic attitude ( image ), the rest have all been wonderful and I've bought a silver plug, several choice BU seated pieces, a number of gold coins as well as other stuff.

    The BST here is NOT similar to doing business with pure strangers as it was once upon a time in the coin papers. So your experience seems to be the exception.

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