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NotSureNotSure Posts: 2,978 ✭✭✭
I just wanted to publicly thank our own resident 'Doily Slut', DRUNNER. In his quest to buy up every Doily in existence (I think we all know that, in fact, he WOULD buy up every single Doily if given the opportunity), I sold him the few I owned (including the now 'pedigreed' 'NotSure/DRUNNER' Stone Mountain commem half...it really is a nice coin...MS63, but looks better). Well, with Jeff living in, well, far 'left' of me (I'm outside Boston, and it'd be a good couple 3 days drive to get to where he is)...I've been keeping a diligent eye open out here on the east coast (greater Boston area) for his prized babies, at shops and local shows, and always peruse TT for those 'old slab' listings (found one recently, notified him of it, which prompted/forced him to sign up for TT...sometimes I feel like a drug dealer looking to find him his next fix! lol).

Well, out of his appreciation for my simply keeping an eye open for him, I get a package from him two days ago, containing a few of my newest project (the bald man himself, Mr. Franklin), as well as a Roosie. Out of the blue...nicely toned '57-P, '57-D Frankies in MS65, and a nicely toned '57-P Roosie in MS66, all graded by the 'big 2'. The coolest thing is, that's my mom's birth year, so now, besides helping me out with my newest venture, I'm 1/3 of the way to putting a birth year set together for mom.

People, Jeff is a TRUE gentleman, in all ways. Besides being involved in this hobby, and his job, Jeff is also one of the few real men left that donates his free time (which I'm sure isn't a whole lot) to his 'kids'....Jeff coaches nationally ranked/recognized (not just top 100 or Top 50, but top 5) X-Country teams. Nowadays, most parents/adults just don't do that (this I know for fact, having played football, baseball, hockey, and seeing a yearly drop-off in those adults/parents getting involved as coaches). They just don't have the time today. Granted, some just can't, but Jeff DOES, he MAKES the time, and it's a HUGE part of his life...he's teaching these kids about life through sports, and he obviously does more than a fantastic job.

So, thusly, I just wanted to publicly say 'Thanks, Jeff...you truly are a great person and a good man, not only to deal with, but in general!' I'm honored that I can just shoot the shyte with you about sports, coins, etc, and I'm looking forward to getting out there on my X-country trip this summer to meet you in person.

Lastly, if you have any Doily's, PM him and help him fuel his 'addiction' (after seeing the price appreciations, boy I wish I had them to dangle in front of him like a carrot right now...lol).

Thanks again, Jeff...you truly are 'one of the good guys'...not just 'out here' on the forums, but 'out there', in the real world. Jeff, you are the best, man! Thank you for everything! It's an honor to know you, and consider you a friend!
I'll come up with something.


  • canadanzcanadanz Posts: 618 ✭✭
    Very cool. image
  • MeltdownMeltdown Posts: 8,756 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's great to see appreciation like this...
    I'm in the Drunner fan club as well, great guy to work with and always a positive attitude on the boards here as well.

  • NotSureNotSure Posts: 2,978 ✭✭✭
    TTT for a good guy!!
    I'll come up with something.
  • I was just at the local coin show and Jeff gave me a sweet deal on a coin there. And i do mean Sweet!image
    Winner of the "You Suck!" award March 17, 2010 by LanLord, doh, 123cents and Bear.
  • SNMANSNMAN Posts: 1,403 ✭✭✭
    Positive Transactions with: justindan; Drunner; Segoja, Dragon, fivecents, Connecticoin, WTCG, gsa1fan, abitofthisabitofthat; commoncents05;Broadstruck; and ......more
  • Yup. One heck of a nice guy...
  • KoveKove Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭✭
    I've been reading these boards off and on for a while, but I'll use my first post to wholeheartedly agree. Jeff is a gentleman, and a true asset to the hobby!

    We first got "introduced" when he cleaned me out of my NGC gold 2.0 Morgans. I believe he goes after the really old NGCs when he can't find enough doilies. Great guy!
  • orevilleoreville Posts: 11,915 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A great thread indeed. This is what coin collecting is all about.

    It would be fun to put the faces on the names.

    Drunner and I do pm each other and sometimes I feel like I am an uncle to him. LOL. He is a most pleasant person to exchange views, ideas and even sometimes to banter with.

    I wonder if his family says the same thing? image
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
  • Very nice story, I am taking a trip to the local B&M tomorrow and I will take a look for doilys. image
  • ponderitponderit Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's a Doily buffalo going on Ebay right now
    Successful BST transactions with Rob41281, crazyhounddog, Commoncents, CarlWohlford, blu62vette, Manofcoins, Monstarcoins, coinlietenant, iconbuster, RWW,Nolawyer, NewParadigm, Flatwoods, papabear, Yellowkid, Ankur, Pccoins, tlake22, drddm, Connecticoin, Cladiator, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty
  • DRUNNERDRUNNER Posts: 3,837 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Holy Doilies!

    Just got back from the show, checked on the Doily Buff on eBay (to my pleasant surprise), and then passed through today's pages and FOUND THIS!

    In a way, sorry that my response will TTT this (a bit embarrassed), but I'd like to waste a few electrons in a short response (or defense, in some cases!!) First, our kindred love of things sporting and the competitor attitude has formed a basis of a rock-solid friendship across a 3-day-drive distance with NotSure. He'll eventually be enjoying a fine single-malt at the ranch. Funny how you can tell on the Boards, but he receives my ultimate complement. I regard him as a 'foxhole guy'. He'd have your back in anything if you deserve his attention and respect. I used to feel the same way about my wingmen, but never since until now. He represents many others here who, if in dire straits or in a pinch, I'd drop everything and do anything to assist. I know I'm not alone. Many of you also feel exactly the same way about others here, so I don't want to take any crap about it. This is the last outpost of the 'handshake deal' (Let's not screw it up.) and men (and women) of their word. Sorry about the 'monthly testimonial'. I swore I wouldn't rant, but NotSure made me. Sheeeez . . . Ken, I appreciate it but now you know Oreville is gonna' expect a 2.1 for all the coaching he's given to me!!!

    OK . . . MeltDown, thanks, and if you enjoy a nice single malt, you need to let me also know when you pass through SLC . .

    BaseBallAbs . . . it took you 45 minutes to buy a $90 coin for $65. It was SCHWEEET! Super to meet you and you are a riot! (Oh, and let your bro know I got another Doily at the show today!!)

    SNMAN has hooked me up with a great deal or two, and I am grateful!

    Kove . . OK, nothing like blowing my Doily cover. When things get tight and I start to get the shakes . . the 2.1 / 2.0s can control the pain until the next Doily hits eBay !! You see right through me.

    Oreville . . I (and many others) owe a lot to you. Your wisdom has kept me on the straight and narrow as I've delved off the metal path to plastic! Thanks! Yes, my numismatic uncle, and a kindred spirit. Others may aspire, but when you want the scoop on a holder (or anything else nummismatic), climb the mountain, and ask the question. He'll answer, and save you a lot of money and time.

    Ponderit . . . uh, I DO appreciate it. It is now in the Drunner Doily Set.

    . . . . .and Kryptonite (he hooks me up!!), pakasmom, ManofCoins (great Washies by the way, I actually DO know of them), . . . thanks.

    NotSure . . I hope you dug yourself out of that snow. Now no more ratting me out and get out there and find me a DOILY !!!! :-)

    Thankful Doily Slut
    (I love this place)

  • NotSureNotSure Posts: 2,978 ✭✭✭
    TTT, just because I feel this member has gone above and beyond, and we need more threads about the 'good guys', especially seeing the rash of undesirable members the last few months (or longer). Members like DRUNNER deserve to be recognized for doing one of those things that is over the top and not necessary, especially seeing the rash of undesirable members lately. The thread about 'kudo to keets', and this one....those members that DO make this a great place, aren't 'outed' as often as they should be (there are more, but I'm just using these as examples).

    And to DRUNNER...if I want to bring this back up to let everyone know how nice/good a guy you are, then too bad for ya!!!! Deal with it! image
    I'll come up with something.
  • SouthcountySouthcounty Posts: 653 ✭✭✭✭

    I agree he seems like a swell guy.
    The only person from the boards I have ever met at a show, but then I don't get to many shows.
    I like to scout for doilys for him as well, although I didn't know there was a finders fee. image
    I hope to see him back on the coast soon.
  • orevilleoreville Posts: 11,915 ✭✭✭✭✭

    All of us doily aficianados will be more than happy to brief you on finders fees. image
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Drunner is a good dude. image
  • Billet7Billet7 Posts: 4,923 ✭✭✭
    Not sure how I missed this thread before, but I must agree, Drunner is good people!
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He are indeed.image

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