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Need a little advice on what to do.... PCGS made an error on my Cert question.

I recently sent in a rather large "for me" submission of coins to PCGS. This particular coin came back as genuine.

27 4 18616188 86670 1955 50C US Genuine (91 - Questionable Color)

I sent in a few others from an original roll with this coin. The coin I got back above with the cert number above has an MS-65 FBL on the label. I am concerned with this because I am trying to sell most of the submission that came back. Including this coin.

I called customer service and now they want me to send the coin back after it has already been there for nearly 2 months, and they will send me a $30 voucher for my troubles. He then put me on hold and called the service manager in the grading room. They looked at the graders grades and said there was nothing about a "genuine code" for this coin and that the grader had grades in the notes.

Seems to me since it was their mistake they should just fix their error on their computer.

What would you guys do, I will have photos later on this thread of the coin in question.

Thanks Tom
Awarded the coveted "You Suck" Award on 22 Oct 2010 for finding a 1942/1 D Dime in silver, and on 7 Feb 2011 Cherrypicking a 1914 MPL Cent on Ebay!

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    relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,878 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The concern for you is that if someone buys this coin, and then looks up the cert number, it won't match what's on the lable and that could open up a can of worms with the buyer.

    It sounds like PCGS has admitted that it was a data entry error, and the lable on the slab is correct. Why would they need the coin back to fix a data entry error.

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    Tdec1000Tdec1000 Posts: 3,851 ✭✭✭
    That is what I would like to know.... the customer service guy really wasn't very helpful. When I originally got the grade notification I was surprised that there was one of the coins they thought was genuine...

    Even more surprised when they arrived today.
    Awarded the coveted "You Suck" Award on 22 Oct 2010 for finding a 1942/1 D Dime in silver, and on 7 Feb 2011 Cherrypicking a 1914 MPL Cent on Ebay!

    Successful BST Transactions!SIconbuster, Meltdown, Mission16, slothman2000, RGjohn, braddick, au58lover, allcoinsrule, commemdude, gerard, lablade, PCcoins, greencopper, kaz, tydye, cucamongacoin, mkman123, SeaEaglecoins, Doh!, AnkurJ, Airplanenut, ArizonaJack, JJM,Tee135,LordMarcovan, Swampboy, piecesofme, Ahrensdad,
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    MarkInDavisMarkInDavis Posts: 1,704 ✭✭✭✭
    I agree that PCGS is thinking that it was a data entry error and the cert is correct. But they want to be absolutely sure before changing their records and so must see the coin again. This seems reasonable to me. A $30 voucher for your troubles seems reasonable as well. Just do it.
    image Respectfully, Mark
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    Tdec1000Tdec1000 Posts: 3,851 ✭✭✭
    I wonder if I have to send it back on a submission form?
    Awarded the coveted "You Suck" Award on 22 Oct 2010 for finding a 1942/1 D Dime in silver, and on 7 Feb 2011 Cherrypicking a 1914 MPL Cent on Ebay!

    Successful BST Transactions!SIconbuster, Meltdown, Mission16, slothman2000, RGjohn, braddick, au58lover, allcoinsrule, commemdude, gerard, lablade, PCcoins, greencopper, kaz, tydye, cucamongacoin, mkman123, SeaEaglecoins, Doh!, AnkurJ, Airplanenut, ArizonaJack, JJM,Tee135,LordMarcovan, Swampboy, piecesofme, Ahrensdad,
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    AMRCAMRC Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Send it back in. They have to see it. Yes, you are out some postage, and they know that and are giving you a valuable credit in return. Poop happens. They will fix it and in end you will be ahead.
    MLAeBayNumismatics: "The greatest hobby in the world!"

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