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WooHoo Grades are in on my Lincoln varieties!!

bolivarshagnastybolivarshagnasty Posts: 7,350 ✭✭✭✭✭
Submitted both coins raw. Expected 65 on both. The 66 doubled the price guide value to 1500. Will add these two with two that I recently purchased
from forum member DCW. (39 DDO MS66RD and 36 DDO2 in 64rb) Will be a nice group to add to my variety registry set. Shag

Order #20468095 / Submission #4340570
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. CoinDate Denomination Variety Country Grade
1 1 18734193 37756 1936 1C US MS66RD********** DDO Type 3 Variety FS-103
2 1 18734194 37762 1938-D/D 1C US MS65RD********** Rpm 1 FS-501
Total Items: 2
Date Received: 1/12/2011
Date Shipped: N/A
Order Status: OK

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