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61 Clemente 9 o/c Beauty...good enough for a 8 nq?

Hi guys,

This card looks absolutely beautiful to me. Can I get your centering reads from those of you who know how to count pixels.

Looks like it could get a straight 8 to me...do you think it is better left in it's current holder or re-subbed for a straight 8?

Thanks to all!





  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    While I've seen more o/c cards in PSA 8 and it may fall within the technical description (barely), I don't think the eye appeal would work on this one when you add the l/r tilt. It appears to be a strong PSA 7 (or 9 OC).
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    I can help you out with the centering.

    L/R - at it's worst I have it 54/46

    T/B - at it's worst I have it 61/39


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • The holder is aligned perfectly to the scanner, but the card is tilted a little within the holder, so I don't think the L/R tilt is quite that bad. It's no more than a couple pixels.

    L/R centering easily meets the technical requirement for a PSA 8.

    T/B centering I measure at around 67/33 across the entire card, give or take, which technically makes it.

    I think there's a shot at it. I'd keep it in the current holder, since they probably won't scrutinize the corners or surface too much, nor will they have to, since those aspects of the card have already been inspected. They'll just look at the centering, which technically fits within the written guidelines for an 8. On this particular card, I'd much rather keep it in the current holder than have it knocked down to a 7 or even 7.5. Keeping it in the current holder should allow you to specify a minimum grade. If you crack it out, you'll be at their mercy.
  • Looks like a slam dunk 8 to me. I'd buy it as an 8
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