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Shipping to Germany

What is the safest way shipping to Germany from the US. Value of about 350.00 us dollars.
It's not the amount of money you spend.... It's the enjoyment you get spending it..

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    airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,018 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Safest is always Registered or Express. Insurance is often heavily restricted outside of Express Mail on international shipments (if you go to the USPS site and get the package rate, you can see how much insurance you can add when you play with different shipping methods).
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    AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,628 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Several years ago (maybe things have changed since) I send a Registered package to Germany
    with insurance for $70. Not much but wanted the coverage. My package got to NY from Vegas
    and that's as far as tracking went. Where the pkg went from there is anyone's guess. Recipient
    in Germany never got package. I filed a claim for the $70. I had to prove value which was no
    problem. Waited and waited. 18 months later I got a check for $30. No explanation and no
    Registered, they say, is the safest way to ship but when it leaves the USA I have my doubts.

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
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    The only registered package I have ever lost was sent to Germany. Not that this proves anything, but there it is.

    BTW- you only get about 50 bucks of coverage with registered mail sent internationally.
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    Ok thanks everyone !!!!
    It's not the amount of money you spend.... It's the enjoyment you get spending it..

    Successful BST transactions with -Youngcoin15, Ajbauman, Metalsman, carew4me, SportsModerator1, Ahrensdad, bstat1020, piecesofme , bigmarty58, Smittys, tydye,DRG ,Coll3ctor, Ciccio, cajun, Swampboy,Excalibur,lordmarcovan,themaster,RedHerring, many more!!!
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    messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,794 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buy your insurance through a third-party insurer like shipsurance.com. It'll cost something like $6 for $350 worth of coverage.

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