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I like PCGS's new 5 oz slabs,,,,,,,

GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,418 ✭✭✭✭✭

I think they are attractive image

Before this slab PCGS could only slab coins up to 40 mm in diameter. My question to MR Willis or MR Hall is will PCGS sometime soon develop this slab to allow grading of other 5 oz coins???? Say for instance a 5 oz Silver Chinese Panda? I have (1) I would like to get slabbed by PCGS. It is 70 mm in diameter which is roughly 2 3/4 in.
So does PCGS have a insert ring that will work?

Also I would like to see PCGS make a slab inbetween the size of a normal PCGS Slab and the new ATB Hockey Puck Slab. This slab could be used for any number of larger coins such as 2 oz bullion coins.

Just wondering,,,, GrandAm image

Also,,, Does or will PCGS make a "Blue Box" to hold these monster slabs?

Can anyone tell me the diameter and thickness of the ATB Hockey Pucks so I can compare it to my 5 oz Silver Panda?
GrandAm :)


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