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1817 O-103b R6? Debate, discuss, learn?

Below is my 1817 103-b R6 Maybe. This coin is really an 181.7 that has had the dot polished off. That would make it an O-103a, however, a new dot has appeared lower and closer to the 7. I posted this on Coin Zip and was told that many believe it to be a 103-b with an R6 rarity.

Tom (Mozin) has giving me most of this info, and I cant thank him (or many other on this forum for all the help they freely give out). I have seen an O-103b referenced on Dick Osborn's site, but I really have not seen it any where else, or in print for that matter.

I think more people frequent this site than coin zip, so what are the opinions of the forum? Have you seen others? Does this warrant its own listing? or is it just a later die state and nothing significant?




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    OKbustchaserOKbustchaser Posts: 5,471 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice example of the 103b die stage. Although currently estimated as R-6 I personally think there are probably a few more. The problem is that since Overton doesn't specifically list it there are many who may own one and think that they simply have a late 103a.

    Al Overton (and later his son-in-law Donald Parsley) didn't really care about die states and therefore there are many stages now recognized by the Bust Half Nut Club that aren't mentioned in the book. This combined with the fact that there are very few collectors by die stage rather than simply by die marriage and you have a recipe where even though a particular die state may be R-6 (or even 7 or 8) and yet sells for very little premium over the more common die stage of the marriage.
    Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't love to look at a pretty bust.
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    JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Beautiful coin.
    In this later die state, are there any noticeable variations other than the new die mark in the date showing on the obverse?
    Are those die cracks by stars 1 and 13?
    Is the reverse still a Rev B or does it show any signs of a possible Rev B-s2?
    Sorry for all the questions, but it would help.
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"

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